Albano Carrisi has caught a monumental anger. All because of Patricia Donosothe former friend of Jose Ortega Cano turned into a collaborator Save meassured on television that he maintained a affair with him a few years ago.
The Italian denies absolutely everything: “I don’t know who that girl is. I don’t know her and I’ve never seen her, but I’ve seen what I’ve seen I think a second Lydia Lozano“, assured the singer, who does not forget his stormy past with Lydia and has taken advantage of this occasion to put her in the garlic.
read also: Save me signs Patricia Donoso as a collaborator and sends her to Italy in search of Al Bano
“This is a mockery and a tease for all viewers. It’s a barbarity for everyone”, adds the artist in The reason about Patricia Donoso.
Donoso, the new collaborator of Save mejumped to the fore a few weeks ago when he entered the program and assured that he maintained something more than a friendship with the husband of Ana Maria Aldon when she was pregnant with the little one Jose Maria.
read also – Ortega Cano sends a forceful statement against Patricia Donoso after the scandal: prepares an arsenal of demands
After the media storm unleashed, last weekend he also featured in the Deluxe who was involved with Albano. “We were together the three years I lived in Italy and the first time we saw each other was in a hotel in Milan because a friend introduced us… I liked him for a long time, from when he was poor and lived in Seville”, Donoso assured.