Shelley Duvallthe unforgettable actress of the film The glowdied this Thursday at the age of 75 in her home in Blanco (Texas) due to complications arising from her diabetes, as announced by Dan Gilroy, a close friend of the deceased, to the American media The Hollywood Reporter.
“My dear, sweet, wonderful life partner and friend has left us. Too much suffering lately, she is free now. Fly away, beautiful Shelley“Gilroy said in a statement released by the aforementioned American media outlet.
The singer revealed in November 2016 on an American television talk show that she suffered from a mental illness, going so far as to say “ask for help” and ensure that “she was very sick“.
Playing Wendy Torrance in The glow It left her with psychological scars from which she could not recover. Stanley Kubrick, the director of the film, made her suffer from nervous problems and even depression. At the height of her career, Duvall left for her home state (Texas) to get away from the cinema. There she lived for the rest of her life with her partner, Dan Gilroy, with whom she had been in a relationship since 1989.
Although Shelley Duvall retired from film in 2002, the prestigious actress returned to the big screen in 2023 to star inr The Forest Hills next to Dee Wallance.