Elisa Aguilar: “I am dead and calm with the selection for the Pre-Olympic”


The president of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB), Elisa Aguilar, made it clear this Thursday that she is “to death” with the Spanish men’s team for the Valencia Pre-Olympic in which they will seek qualification for the Paris Games, and thus give it Captain Rudy Fernández “the farewell he deserves” with his sixth participation in an Olympic event.

“I am with you to death. I know that Spain will be Spain and that is a cause of concern for the rest of the rivals. I am calm because you are a group full of strengths that respects its tradition, and respects itself, that knows and he is capable of giving the best of his values ​​and has the perfect coach,” said Aguilar at the presentation of the Spanish team for the Pre-Olympic, held at the Endesa headquarters.

The leader is clear that the players know “the responsibility of wearing the Spain shirt” and that they are used to “denying bets and statistics”, as in the last Eurobasket in 2022. “You are current European champions, number 2 in the FIBA ranking, and above all a group that works together and has shown a lot of strength,” he noted.

The president of the FEB recalled that “no one who has hosted the men’s Olympic Qualifiers has qualified” and that she knows that it will be “a very tough tournament and that it will demand the best” of the team, but she is confident that they will repeat the milestone achieved by the women’s team of qualify for the 2008 Beijing Games after winning the Pre-Olympic Games held in Madrid.

“You are aware of the height of the challenge this summer, and no one but you would like to give the captain the farewell he deserves,” he said, addressing forward Rudy Fernández, who will end his career in this Pre-Olympic or in the Olympic Games. Paris.

Aguilar dedicated a few words of praise to the Spaniard for “continuing to maintain the hope of leading the Spanish team towards the Games” and for wanting to become “the only player in the history of basketball to have taken the court in six different editions” of the event. Olympic.

“There will be those who think that you are privileged to win medals and reach so many Games, but you are an example of sacrifice and values, a competitor like we have not seen many times. Someone who sacrifices and keeps coming every summer to help us make the world bigger.” name of Spain and so that the young people have a reference to which they can hold on. We will all do everything in our power to ensure that you say goodbye as you deserve,” stated the former player.

Aguilar also celebrated the renewal of Sergio Scariolo until 2028, “a new demonstration of the extent to which he is committed to Spain”, and thanked Endesa “for the role they have played in these years, a role that goes beyond sponsor” . “Above all, we have felt very close to you when we have lived through more difficult times,” he concluded.


Furthermore, national coach Sergio Scariolo recalled that “until Sunday” they will not be able to “train all together, then a week of which we will have half left over.” “We have a special sense of urgency because of how short the preparation is for a very demanding tournament with very strong rivals and where only one qualifies,” he pointed out.

For this reason, it is clear that they must “prepare well to have a very high concentration” and “the ability to isolate themselves from everything around a competition that is played in Spain.” “Something that on other occasions has not brought us very good things,” warned the Italian.

“I don’t know if it is the biggest challenge I have had, surely the most atypical because it is the first time we are in a situation like this and we have had to adapt to different times because we are not all together to be able to work. Things have to be synthesized. and talk a little to arrive prepared for the first game,” the coach continued.

He stressed that the shortness of the Pre-Olympic “does not allow us to look too far ahead.” “We are prepared for the first day, there is not much margin, and more than thinking about the margin of error, let’s think about being ourselves and if we are able to give a good version we will be able to compete and fight to achieve this dream of returning to to be in the Games, which is an illusion that encourages us all and many people behind it. It is a beautiful responsibility that we want to assume,” he declared.


Captain Rudy Fernández said he was “very proud of everything” he has experienced on the fields. “I hope that in the Pre-Olympic we can achieve that great objective of taking the two teams to other Games, being able to finish a career like the one they have had with this group is the best no matter how it ends,” he highlighted.

“We have to enjoy this competition, give ourselves the most and empty ourselves like we have in recent years. The team was what made us the best in Europe two years ago and I have no doubt that any of them are not going to leave everything on the court” , added the forward.

For his part, Sergio Llull, who would inherit the captaincy of the national team with the departure of his teammate, did not hide that they are going to “miss on the field” both the Spaniard and Sergio Rodríguez, whom they have “enjoyed very much” .

The one from Mahón knows that it is up to the veterans to “instill ‘Family’ values ​​so that this keeps rolling and goes downhill” and facing the Pre-Olympic the recipe is “to compete.” “It’s what we always do and if we play as we know how we will have a chance of qualifying and doing well in Paris,” he admitted.

Finally, the CEO of Endesa, José Bogas, stressed the “great objective” that the team faces, which “should not be easy”, but which they are “sure” that they will achieve. “We want to convey all our encouragement and support to you, we know that it is a difficult tournament in which there is no option to fail, but you will compete in the way you are accustomed to and whatever the result, all of you will be very proud,” he indicated. .

The manager made a “call to the fans who have never failed” and who will be “an important part in Valencia.” “We must assert the court factor and let this fan push the players,” said Bogas, who expressed his satisfaction at continuing with the FEB until 2027, “a sign of commitment and satisfaction for basketball and absolute confidence for FEB and its management”.

The CEO of Endesa confessed the company’s “excitement” to be able to be in its “fourth Games”, one less than those already played by Rudy Fernández, to whom he dedicated words of praise. “That is within the reach of very few and I want to recognize and thank him for his career, you have always been a great protagonist of the Endesa League and the national team,” he explained.

“But the most notable thing is the legacy you leave to young people and having the recognition of all of Spanish basketball. I hope you can say goodbye on the court and in your sixth Olympic Games with another dunk like the one you did against Howard (2008), “which was a message that you were prepared to compete against everyone,” he added from the Balearic Islands, while congratulating coach Sergio Scariolo for his renewal until 2028, “a guarantee and peace of mind.”

Finally, he gave some advice if the European champion gets the ticket to Paris. “We ask you to enjoy, compete and share it. You have changed our summers, in which you made us all vibrate,” she said.