Their love has lasted three months Vicky Martin Berrocal y Enrique Solis. María Patiño revealed this Tuesday that the designer, ex-Manuel Díaz El Cordobés, and the businessman, ex-Tamara Falcó, were no longer together. The breakup took place at the April Fair in Seville, where he enjoyed the female company of the different booths without hesitation and before everyone’s eyes. An attitude that greatly bothered Ana Rosa’s talk show host.
According to The Spanish, Solís arrived days before the designer to the Andalusian city, where she met at an exclusive booth with an old friend in the company of a well-known influencer, a friend of Vicky, with whom she showed a very affectionate attitude. The young woman did not reciprocate at any time but he did not stop trying to get her. The aforementioned media also assures that this influencer was not Solís’ only Sevillian flirtation: “A famous friend of Vicky took him to a more discreet area to tell him that what he was doing was not right, that Vicky was arriving the next day and that they were going to have no choice but to tell him”. He, far from correcting his behavior, returned to the party and approached another “blonde woman.”
A day later, the designer arrived at the Sevillian fair and was immediately informed: “Although she knew that what they had was nothing serious, having him do it in front of everyone was too much for her.”, they say. Her romance with Enrique came to light in February, when they were seen celebrating Valentine’s Day together. However, “she didn’t want a serious courtship like the one she had had with Joao (Viegas), she wanted to have fun, make the most of the good time she was going through.”

After what happened in the city of Seville, the crisis worsened between them and upon arrival in Madrid they had a tense conversation in one of the discreet rooms of the Santo Mauro hotel. Since then, they were never seen publicly together again. In fact, the designer has attended the El Rocío pilgrimage these days in the company of her daughter Alba. No sign of Enrique. “She is very smart and knew about the stories that circulate about Enrique out there, but she didn’t care. It’s not that she wanted to get married. She wanted to let herself be loved but in the end, since she is very sentimental, she got excited, yes, with the reins well fucked,” say people close to the designer The confidential.
The news of the breakup between them has coincided with the launch of a new chapter of Alone with…, Vicky’s successful podcast. He interviews the actress Amaia Salamanca and, curiously, they talk about infidelities. This new installment was recorded on May 6, so her revealing confessions now take on a new meaning: “What would make you say goodbye to a relationship?” Berrocal asks the interpreter of Without tits there is no paradise. “It would be like something very extreme, like an abusive person or something like that. But since I have been with a wonderful person all this time…” says Amaia. Shortly after, Vicky notes: ““I, personally, would say goodbye for infidelity.”.
Thus, the designer would have ended her relationship with the businessman, although from her circle they point out that it could just be a “phase”: “They continue to maintain a relationship and the door is open to a rapprochement again.”