Problems with Iñigo Onieva’s restaurant: garbage accumulates on the street and neighbors explode

A week ago the husband of Tamara Falco inaugurated his new business project: the Casa Salesas restaurant. An inauguration for which he had the support of his wife, the Marchioness of Griñón, and also his mother-in-law, Isabel Preyslerin addition to his brothers and his mother, Carolina Molaswho laughed in front of the microphones at the latest controversy unleashed by the reviews that he himself Inigo Onieva has written about his place on the internet. This Wednesday a new problem has arisen that will not please the engineer: garbage.

Garbage bags accumulate at the foot of containers overflowing with waste that can no longer accommodate any more. A problem that clashes head-on with the image of the neighborhood, the comfort of pedestrians and even the health of neighbors: “It is a common and very dangerous problem, because many of these bags contain glass bottles, which represents an added danger”Lydia Lozano said in Not that we were shhh. The journalist has also expressed indignation at the lack of recycling in the business: “It’s indecent.”

At the moment, neither Onieva nor any of her partners have commented on the matter, despite witnesses stating that the neighbors are very angry and demand an immediate solution. Belén Esteban, a close friend of El Turronero, has tried to contact him without success.

A very busy year

Onieva worked for the Mabel Hospitality group, a restaurant company that has such well-known partners as Rafa Nadal, Pau Gasol and Enrique Iglesias. She joined in November 2021, a few months before being involved in several scandals due to infidelities and bad nighttime habits, controversies that the people in charge of her at the time did not like and that led them to make a blunt decision: dismissal. It took place in May 2023.

Since then, there have been several rumors linking Iñigo Onieva with other business groups, for example, with the legendary Café Gijón, a signing that those in charge themselves had to deny. Now, he faces the direction of Salesas and problems and bags of garbage alike accumulate.
