The 'Guerreras' get their act together in time against Argentina

Spain is working on its start in the Main Round of the World Cup to get closer to the quarterfinals


The Spanish women's handball team beat Argentina (30-23) this Wednesday at the start of the Main Round of the 2023 World Cup with a great reaction in the second half, a hard-fought victory at the Arena Nord in Fredrikshavn (Denmark) to maintain full of victories on the way to the quarterfinals.

From less to more, Spain maintained the firm step it already showed against Brazil to win Group G, in a very physical duel but on track in time. Ambros Martín's men bit at the restart to match the intensity of an Argentina that made the 'Guerreras' very difficult. Spain trailed at halftime (12-13) but after passing through the locker room they blocked the Americans from the inside and, from defense, found their rhythm to add six points in Group 4.

The step forward in defense brought steals and cruising speed in 15 minutes of the second half that changed the script completely. Spain achieved a first comfortable lead of four goals (20-16), while the albicelete was suffering wear and tear. Martín's team found solutions to a heavy first half in attack, where Argentina knew how to neutralize the game with a pivot.

In that difficult start, Spain found air with Lysa Tchaptchet and maintained the level despite a double exclusion (8-7). However, Argentina punished with the same coin with 'Shula' Gavilán, author of four goals inside the six meters. Maitane Etxeberria gave some more options but the 'Guerreras' suffered in the positional attack, without being able to open the field as Martín requested.

The game changed from top to bottom after the break. Spain began to impose its defense while Argentina left balls along the way, in an income that did not stop growing for the world runner-up in 2019. Paulina Pérez and Silvia Arderíus also signed a great step forward for the 'Guerreras' who finished with doubts at a stroke, already managing a good cushion (25-19) that allowed the Spanish coach to dose his efforts.

The Argentine 'Claw' did not throw in the towel and, with a stellar 'Shula' Gavilán and a last push in defense, caught Spain off guard to close the gap with less than ten minutes remaining (25-21). With a time out, Martín took it upon himself to remember the importance of every minute in the World Cup, already thinking about the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, where he will play another level up to make a quarter-final that seems very close a reality.


–RESULT: SPAIN, 30 – ARGENTINA, 23. (12-13, at half-time).


SPAIN: Zoqbi (P), Spaniards (P); M.Gonzalez, Arderius (5), So Thin (2), Perez Buforn (5), Tchaptchet (2), Echeverria (7), Fernandez (2), Arcos, Lopez (3), Gonzalez de Garibay, L.Gonzalez (1), Gassama (1), O'Mullony (2), Fields and Somaza.

ARGENTINA: Carratu (P), Rosalez (P), Cavo (2), Pizzo (2), Casasola (5), Dalle Crode, García (1), Campigli, Gavilán (8), Bono (1), Romero, Rivadeneira (1), Brodsky, Mendoza, Learreta, Gandulfo and Karsten (3).

–PARTIALS EVERY FIVE MINUTES: 1-2, 5-4, 8-7,9-9, 11-10, 12-13, –rest–, 14-14, 16-15, 19-16, 22 -19, 25-21, 30-23.

–REFEREE: Andjelina Kazanegra (MNE) and Jelena Vujacic (MNE). Echeverria and O'Mullony were ruled out for two minutes for Spain. And to Campigli in Argentina.

–PAVILLION: Arena Nord of Fredrikshavn (Denmark).