The COE reviews the coverage of Paris 2024 at its II International Congress of Olympic Journalism


Professionals from the world of communication met this Monday at the Goyeneche Auditorium of the Spanish Olympic Committee to preview the coverage of the Paris 2024 Games at the II International Congress of Olympic Journalism.

The day, organized by the COE in collaboration with the Higher Sports Council (CSD), was inaugurated by the president of the Olympic body, Alejandro Blanco, who referred to the Paris Games as a “great challenge” in which will try to break the ‘glass ceiling’ of the 22 medals from Barcelona’92.

“A challenge that has to go in two directions: in sports and in communication. The communication that the COE did in Tokyo was considered one of the five best according to an ANOC study. In Paris our challenge is to be the best “said Blanco.

Lucia Montanarella, associate director of Media Operations at the Olympic Games, has offered a master class in which she explained how the preparations for Paris 2024 are progressing, as well as the way in which communication will be worked during the event in the French capital.

For his part, Roddie McVake, from the Olympic Information Service (OIS), has detailed the operation of his department, an IOC service that provides information and professional photographs of Olympic and Paralympic events for editorial use.

Emilio Pila, creative director of X España, participated in the first round table; Siro López, journalist and streamer on Twitch; and Sofía de la Iglesia, content creator of Relevo, who have debated the role of social networks in society and in the world of communication.

The second ‘masterclass’ was led by Tom Rouyrès, Meta Content Partnerships, and Fernando Seprona, Meta Media Partnerships Southern Europe. In it, they explained the META news for the great Olympic event next summer.

The written press has also been a protagonist in this II Congress of Olympic Journalism. Gerardo Riquelme (Marca), Jesús Mínguez (As), Joan Justribó (Mundo Deportivo), Lluís Mascaró (Sport), Pablo Lodeiro (Abc), Carlos Arribas (El País), Orfeo Suárez (El Mundo), Paco Rabadán (OK Diario ) and Jorge Calabrés (El Español) have addressed the way in which their respective media are preparing to cover the Paris 2024 Games, emphasizing the importance of immediacy and adapting to any possible problems that may arise, taking into account the distances between the different locations.

The communication director of the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE), Luis Leardy, and Isabel Domínguez, responsible for the communication area, have explained the operation of the communication department of the national Paralympic entity, as well as the way in which they are going to work during the Paris Paralympic Games, which will be held from August 28 to September 8, 2024.

The last round table was composed of Ángel García (COPE), Pedro Fullana (SER), Félix José Casillas (Onda Cero), José Rodríguez (Radio Marca), Jorge Duato (RNE), Julia Luna (RTVE), Miguel Ángel Méndez ( Eurosport), who have debated the way in which radios and televisions with and without rights will work during the event in the French capital.

Finally, Benjamín Paz, head of social media at the International Olympic Committee, and Álvaro Alonso, senior global social media manager, who have offered a ‘master class’ on the communication strategy followed by the highest Olympic body during the Games and They have offered different tools to attendees to adopt a quality strategy that allows them to cover the Olympic event satisfactorily.