“Who hasn’t been cuckolded?”

Ana Obregón, along the lines of Tamara Falcó, defends King Juan Carlos after the leak of his images with Bárbara Rey, dated 1994. “Leave him alone, he’s 86 years old”the actress said this Monday about the former Head of State, husband of Doña Sofía and father of Felipe VI.

“The entire press had been talking about this for years. And now to bring this out…”Antoñita La Fantástica lamented in And now Sonsoles.

On the other hand, the actress has not spoken about the alleged public money that was once used to buy the silence of the Totana star after her alleged blackmail. And on social media, Obregón is very prone to criticizing public money that, she denounces, is not invested in other issues such as cancer research.

Obregón, on the other hand, has taken the controversy to a personal level, as he tends to do: “I have to tell things. When I was in the United States, I was having a treatment that was proton therapy. This very expensive machine exists in Spain thanks to Amancio Ortega. At that time, in 2018, it did not exist in Spain. In the United States they give you three months of this. Then I called Alessandro, to pull the strings because Aless was dying.“, he assured.

It must be remembered that Lequio is the grandnephew of Don Juan Carlos. “The person who helped me was Juan Carlos I and I will always be grateful for that. He has a human side, he is 86 years old and he wants to see his children, his grandchildren”.

For all this, Obregón downplays the fact that the person being talked about is the former Head of State. When it comes to the former monarch, he doesn’t care about public scandals and reduces his defense to this: “I know that the king has had many problems in Spain, in fact he is living in Abu Dhabi. But we cannot forget that he has done things very important for Spain. That he has done other things, okay, that he has cheated, okay, many cheat and since they are not famous they don’t go out there“. Ana reduces the figure of King Juan Carlos to that of “just another famous person” and does not assess what those “other things” are that have led him to live in Abu Dhabi.

Despite his staunch defense of the emeritus, he has also empathized with Queen Sofia: “I think of Queen Sofía, we also have to empathize with women. It hurts. It hurts. Who hasn’t been cheated on?”he said.

It is not the first time that Obregón speaks in these terms about the king, since when Aless died in 2020 he already said: “The first call we had, I don’t even know how he was because he couldn’t react, was King Juan Carlos. He called Alessandro and he said: ‘Pass me to Ana, please.’ Hello talking about the tragedy of losing a child. Felipe VI and Doña Letizia also conveyed their condolences: “When I returned to Barcelona, ​​I was moved by the number of letters and telegrams of affection that I received from King Felipe and Letizia to unknown people, in addition to all the support on networks,” he then revealed. .

Attacks Ángel Cristo Jr.

In her new intervention on the Sonsoles program, the mother of Aless Lequio and mother-grandmother of Anita Lequio Obregón has also attacked Ángel Cristo Jr., who leaked the images of her mother with the king last week to a Dutch magazine: “The son who leaks the photos is a disgrace, you can’t do that to a mother”.
