Complicated days for the model and businesswoman Pigeon Lakewho has had to say goodbye to one of the most important people in his life: his father. Quico Pérez-Lago He died last Tuesday at the age of 94. His daughter said goodbye to him this Thursday on social networks, sharing the photograph of a very young Federico and a brief but emotional phrase: “Dad, rest in peace.”
Married to the love of his life, Chus Gómez Deaño, Quico was the father of five children (Paloma Lago, Federico, Ana, Cristina and Pauloska) to whom he was very close and who today mourn him in Galicia, his homeland, where he was very dear: “I boast of handsome children, they even called us the princes of Monaco, but the most beautiful woman I have ever met is my wife Chus,” he said.

He studied at the school of the Mercedarian friars (Tirso de Molina) and trained in Aviation, but finally refused to follow in the footsteps of his father and brother because his passion was different: horses and music. He founded the group Los Zafiros in 1951 and was a precursor of orchestras with Alberto Martín and Pepe Pazos. He started with maestro Peña on the guitar and plucking. “After the war there were no people or objects, even the guitar strings were made with Bazán wires,” Quico recalled in an interview for The Voice of Galicia. It was recognized in Portugal, Italy and France; performed in Hamburg before The Beatles; and he sang before princes Baudouin and Fabiola at the Atomium in Brussels. However, he left everything to start a family: “I lost that and it cost me blood and tears, because Los Zafiros were the love of my life until I met my wife.”
“My three loves have been my family, Los Zafiros and Ferrol… Well, and also horses,” he repeated tirelessly. His passion for the equine world led him to found the Equiocio equestrian competition, a renowned sports club in Ferrol that offers equestrian activities and family leisure and healthy living activities, where Quico spent much of his free time.
