Vilda: “We hit a ball, I still have the creeps”


The women’s national coach, Jorge Vilda, celebrated the pass to the final of the Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand with the victory (2-1) against Sweden in the semifinals, a “historic day” and “immense happiness” in which the Spanish team has “hit a pitch”.

“Once again, it is a historic day, we hit a ball, we are in the final and it was what we were looking for. I feel happiness, joy, also because of how the game has been. With my soul, magic or whatever, the team has overcome. Immense happiness”, valued the coach in statements to TVE.

Vilda analyzed the duel, with a start to the second half in which Spain had a “bad time”, although with the entry of Salma Paralluelo they were “more up, with more bite and punch”. “It has gone well, but it is everyone’s job, especially the soccer players,” said the coach.

“We will be aware of the rival, we know the two teams well,” he commented on the other semifinal between Australia and England. “I still have the creeps,” Vilda confessed.