Victoria Federica and her “Earth, swallow me” in Las Ventas to see Roca Rey

The daughter of the Infanta Elena and Jaime de Marichalar has monopolized all the spotlights this Wednesday in Saleswhere he has gone to see his close friend fight king rockwith which she has even been romantically linked. Victoria Federica She has arrived at the square dressed in red and has experienced a real “Earth, swallow me” moment when she was discovered by the press.

The reporters have approached to greet her and ask her about the latest news (the accident at the April Fair, your new ad campaign…), something that has made Vic visibly nervous: “Oh God… what do I do? What do I do?”, he said while trying to slip away from the press by advancing through the VIP queue. Finally, she has entered the arena without even saying ‘good afternoon’. Once inside, she has occupied a privileged place to follow the work of the Peruvian Roca Rey, whom he has not taken his eyes off.

Rumors about a special friendship between the bullfighter and the influencer come from afar. Vic is passionate about bullfighting (in fact, her first official boyfriend was Gonzalo Caballero) and has become Roca Rey’s number 1 fan, from whom he never misses a bullfight. Last October, the granddaughter of the emeritus traveled to Peru with the right-handed man and met her entire family, who welcomed her with open arms.

Vic’s was not the only familiar face of the afternoon. Cayetano Martinez de Irujo or the writer Mario Vargas Llosa They have also wanted to enjoy a bullfighting afternoon.