Vicky Martín Berrocal says: “I have faked orgasms many times”

If this Monday was Lolita which surprised the spectators TardeAR When talking about the infidelity of one of her ex-husbands, this Tuesday the most surprising headline came from Vicky Martin Berrocal. On the set of Ana Rosa Quintana they talked about female orgasms. “How many married women do you think do not reach orgasm? 68% of married women do not,” said Jorge Luque based on the results of a study.

The ex-wife of Manuel Díaz El Cordobés has not been cut: “There are many women who don’t even know what it is, who have never had an orgasm.”

The designer, who broke up with the Portuguese businessman at the beginning of 2022 João Viegas, has spoken about his own experiences in bed. He doesn’t blame them: “I’m going to tell you something, I’m not hiding, I’ve faked an orgasm many times. I’m sorry, what do you want me to tell you? It’s my truth. They didn’t have any problem, the problem “I had it. I don’t want to be sad, I’m simply speaking the truth.”

Among the men who have also occupied her heart are Alvaro Muñoz Escassi, Israel Bayon o Lin Cortés. This Monday, like Lolita, she also spoke about infidelities: “I smell it, I am a wonderful detective. I have it from my mother. I have suffered tremendous love, it has been exhausting. And I tell you one thing, he who seeks finds.”