Vía Célere has positioned itself among the four large residential developers in this country with a volume of deliveries that in 2019 amounts to 1,241 homes. This means that the company has more than doubled the number of keys it has given compared to 2018, when it delivered 600 units.
With this figure, the company headed by José Ignacio Morales has exceeded the goal that had been initially set and provides “a significant increase for 2020”.
The 1,241 homes place him, in the absence of knowing the official figures of the rest of the great promoters, as the second with the highest volume of deliveries in the past year. Thus, Neinor advanced the CNMV that has closed 2019 with 1,269 homes delivered, which would position it first, since Aedas's goal for last year is 1,986 units and that of 700 houses Metrovacesa.
Most of the deliveries of Vía Célere are concentrated in the Community of Madrid, with 776 houses, which represents almost 63% of the total. Although, the promoter has also expanded its territorial diversification during the last year, making 206 deliveries in Malaga, 160 in Barcelona, 88 in Seville, 10 in Valladolid and one in A Coruña.
Via Célere hopes to “keep this bullish trend for its deliveries in the coming years, based on the figures of homes in commercialization and the agreements with clients that it already has closed, “the firm says. Specifically, the company has put 2,082 homes for sale in 2019, with which it reaches 8,111 units in the market distributed in 15 provinces
In addition, it has already signed the pre-sale of 1,774 homes that it would deliver in 2020 and another 1,324 in 2021.
After completing the integration of real estate assets -soil and promotions- of Aelca, Vía Célere is the largest residential real estate developer in Spain by asset valuation (2.3 billion euros of GAV), with a volume of land to build 26,000 households.
The Vía Célere land portfolio is a combination of finalist land, 80%, and 20% strategic land, in which the company works to make it a finalist in a term not exceeding three years. Therefore, eight out of ten floors of the developer are ready to load immediately and start building.
Vía Célere is the only one of the big promoters that is not publicly traded. As Morales explained in a recent interview with the magazine ElEconomista Inmobiliaria, “the mandate we have is to be prepared for any future liquidity event, including of course the stock market exit, but this is not the only strategic alternative that shareholders have” . Thus, the manager indicated that there is a leap to the floor “with guarantees” three factors must be taken at once.
First, “a macroeconomic environment that accompanies, not only the economy of the country but also the stock market. Second, that the IPOs in general are recovered from several sectors, so that the investor regains interest in the new operations and, thirdly, that the investor specialized in our sector regains confidence in the listed real estate because the discounts on the stock exchange against asset valuations are very aggressive. ”
The manager believes that “the promoters are suffering excessive punishment in the stock market“and sees no justification for these discounts.” From a strictly financial point of view, the situation of residential development is now much better than it was two years ago. “

Vía Célere, the first major developer to build industrialized height housing in Spain

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