Zidane appealed yesterday to public mood for solve a classic so vital. Answer the other side of the phone Jorge Valdano, Real Madrid myth because he was a player, coach, sports director and general of the entity and also the one who coined the expression scenic fear. Then it served to define the solvency with which Madrid traced qualifiers European at the end from the 70s and mid 80s. It happened before Derby County, Celtic, Rijeka, Inter double and Borussia. “Scenic fear?“, Valdano meditates … “Define almost a time. Let's say stage fright is not something that comes with the entrance. Some conditions have to be given, it depends more on delivery than on art, It requires special situations, the comeback is one of them. When Madrid is below and scores a goal the stadium is unleashed, yes … “.

Valdano remains a regular at the Bernabéu. I visit him in each match as a commentator. Is it now a cold stadium? “Man, at that time, there were 50% of the public in standing towns and 20,000 people were entering more than the capacity of the camp allowed. That said, I think there are few fields in the world that better convey the feeling of football than the Bernabéu. ” Isn't it the Opera? “No, it's football by vein.”
Santillana, before the Moenchengladbach.
It is the best occasion for your own expression author explain how was born: “I do not know if it was in the comebacks of Inter or Borussia. I do know that it was in a statement to The country. I they asked why I know I repeated that feat so many times and I mentioned the scenic fear. The tip me lhad given the reading an article by García Márquez in which he talked about the fear of giving a speech in public. And of course, it is a fear that we also have footballers, that we respond to a full stand. “
Why appeal then Zidane to that tier if the emotional never appears in your speech? “This is a very dangerous crossroads ... But look, I believe that if there is a match in which there is no need to ask for help in the stands it is in a Classic. “