Two childish mistakes condemn Sanse against Cartagena

Ritual of the usual in Anoeta. Sanse took another step towards the First RFEF after losing at home to Cartagena in a well-played match for the reserve team, heavily penalized for two improper blunders in the category. All this before 985 people in a soulless stadium for 40,000. In a balanced duel, with phases of dominance and good chances for the subsidiary txuri urdin, a suicidal pass back from Robert Lopez, which was later compensated by scoring the tie, and a failed control attempt in the 82′ of ander martin, the best of long until that moment, they sent to the abyss those of Xabi Alonso, which, with 18 points, are almost hopeless.

Xabi Alonso decided to include Turrientes in the ‘eleven’, despite the fact that Beasain’s man had played a few minutes with the first team a day before. The first bars of the subsidiary were fantastic. He found vertical passes inside and then the flanks to give depth to the game. a center of ander martin rejected by the meta Martínez was finished off by Robert Navarro, without a goalkeeper but very forced, to the post and Robert Lopez shot into the clouds. Shortly thereafter, the center of the Navarro, who stepped on the bottom line, did not find a finisher.

Little by little, Cartagena settled down, stealing the leather from the Donostiarra subsidiary and finding depth with Dauda to the left. A play by the Ghanaian culminated in a parabola sent from Cons near the post. However the Sanse, launched by an overflowing ander martin, did not shrink and scared again with a shot from Robert Lopez out and another Navarro, which the goalkeeper jumped on.

Robert Navarro tries to recover a ball surrounded by rivals

Robert Navarro tries to recover a ball surrounded by rivals


Fumble and early redemption

After the break, the blunder arrived. Robert Lopez, pressured, gave a ball back to Arambarri, which slipped away. Theft Cons, who gave the goal to the forty-year-old Ruben Castro. 13th notch of the Gran Canaria. Two minutes took the Sanse and the hand to recover. Olasagasti enabled long to Martin and he drew a fantastic final pass to López, who shot low.

Roberto López celebrates his goal, which made it 1-1

Roberto López celebrates his goal, which made it 1-1


enjoyed those of Xabi Alonsowell guided by Olasagasti Y Turrientes, of good minutes of control, although without being able to generate danger. This did come with the changes and with the departure of Karrikaburu and, above all, of Djoahra. The Frenchman served backwards after a 50-meter sprint and Olasagasti forced the meta popcorn. Shortly after, ortuno forced to Zubiaurre to show off

The meeting pointed to the equalizer, but in a long ball with zero danger, ander martin, the best of the match, was complicated by a control attempt in his own area. Delmás he stole the leather and this time Dauda scored at will. He does not learn the Sanse, in which none of the three reinforcements debuted: Clemente, Alone Y Gómez, which did not enter the call.

opportunities: Zubiaurre; Blasco, Gonzalez de Zarate, Arambarri, Martin; Olasagasti, Turrientes (Magunazelaia, min. 81), Roberto López (Cristo Romero, min. 75); Valera (Djouahra, min. 69), Lobete (Karrikaburu, min. 69) and Navarro (Sangalli, min. 81).
Cartagena: Martínez, Delmás, Alcalá, Vázquez, de la Bella, Tejera (Cristóforo, min.79), Bodiger, Gallar (Okazaki, min.68), De Blasis (Cayarga, min.87), Dauda (Boateng, min.87) ) and Castro (Ortuño, min.68).
Referee: Moreno Aragon (Madrid). He admonished Alcalá (min. 43) and Ander Martín (min. 56)
goals: 0-1: Rubén Castro (min.50). 1-1- Roberto López (min52). 1-2: Dauda (min.82)
spectators: 985 Anoeta.

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