Today is the trial against Rafael Amargo: it all started in 2020, when he was ‘caught’ with the drugs GHB and popper

The hard moment of showing his face arrives today for the bailaor. Raphael Bitter He will step on the courtroom that will try him after the accusation of being the alleged ringleader of a group that trafficked drugs, mainly methamphetamine, which he sold from his apartment located in the central Malasaña neighborhood in Madrid. Facts for which the Prosecutor wants to put him almost ten years in prison.

This will be the chronology of the process of the artist, according to El Español: today all the accused testify, a list completed by the producer Edward of the Saints and another associate of the artist, named Miguel Angel Batista Leonin addition to three policemen related to the case, on the 8th a total of 33 witnesses and various experts, on the 9th, the Chamber would analyze the wiretapping and on the 12th it would make documentary evidence and the final reports.

How did the famous dancer from Granada get to this delicate situation that could even mean the final straw to his professional career? These are the most important milestones to discover this story that, once again, remixes fame and success with drugs.

Caught in 2020

On December 1, 2020, when he was leaving his dilapidated house on Calle de la Palma in the direction of the Teatro de La Latina to rehearse his play Yerma, Amargo was detained by the National Police for the alleged crimes of drug trafficking and criminal organization for those who sit on the bench today.

Strict precautionary measures

After the surprising arrest, the precautionary measures ordered by the judge were the obligation that Rafael had to sign every 15 days in the assigned court and the full withdrawal of your passport. This second restriction is the one that bothered the artist the most. This new reality frustrated him so much that he even dared to write to the defense minister, Marlaska. This is how he related it to El Español:

It can’t be this harassment and demolition against me. The Minister of the Interior, Marlaska, knows perfectly well that everything is a lie. Why doesn’t he act? Why have I sent him six emails and he hasn’t answered me? Hey, where you are, you have to respond to the people.”

Drug trafficking trial

It’s already published on Wikipedia. Unfortunately for Amargo, this judicial show that opens today will be more remembered than his Poet in New York or his latest work, barren. Until the 12th of this month, Section 30 of the Madrid Court will become the final stage of the surreal plot that, according to what the judge determines, would confirm that yes it was camel and in a persistent way. During years.

His lawyer, jamie caballerohis defense is clear, as he recently expressed to the EFE Agency: “It is not true that he trafficked drugs; being a consumer has nothing to do with selling.”

Today is the day that Rafael, in the first person, has to prove his innocence to face facts that have little to do with it, such as all the drugs that were seized from him at the time of his arrest: three popper boots (alkyl nitrites), a sachet with phenylethylamine with a net weight of 0.089 grams, and a bottle with six milliliters of GHB with a market value of 314.19 euros in its sale by grams.
