Tita Thyssen throws away 600 pages of biography written by Nieves Herrero: “I’m going to write it myself”

Tita Thyssen Now she says that she herself is writing her autobiography, as we anticipated this Monday. We had days ago that the Baroness had in her possession some six hundred pages written by the journalist Nieves Herrero, who has been working on it for at least a year and sent the texts to the protagonist of the work so that she could supervise them, return them with the corrections and could be launched on a key date: the one that coincided with his 80th birthday and World Book Day.

The strategy of marketing The publisher’s decision to choose such a round event collapsed because Carmen Cervera blocked the publication, letting weeks go by without returning the texts that Nieves Herrero sent her long ago, finished from top to bottom, who was only waiting for the corrections and approval of the Baroness to launch it, since, although it is a novelized story, in the style of the one he made of Carmen Franco (La Esfera de los Libros), it is supposed to bear the stamp of authorized biography, with the added value that this supposes.

But in addition to delaying the publication as we say, this Monday in Public mirror own Aunt Cervera called the program Susanna Griso, polite but visibly upset, and clarified certain things that have stunned blacksmith snows, who for the moment remains silent. This Monday night, at the Hotel Palace, the writer presented an act in which an award was given to Antonio Banderas, among other award-winners, but we are not aware that he said a word on the subject.

To contextualize the strange move that has left Nieves out of place after the effort made to carry out the fictionalized life of a character as fascinating as it is complicated, we must go back to the beginning of 2022, when weeks before his 79th birthday, he admitted that he had commissioned Nieves Herrero to write his biography. The journalist confirmed it and got underway with the writing, preparing the exciting story of the baroness as usual in her latest books, giving the story the form of a novel and making it entertaining.

No sooner said than done. The Madrid journalist set out and dedicated many hours of work for months to have the definitive work on Carmen Cervera ready on the ideal date. The biography, which is written from top to bottom, was to go on sale around this Book Day and exact date of birth of María del Carmen Rosario Soledad Cervera y Fernández de la Guerra (Sitges, Barcelona, ​​April 23, 1943 ), commonly known as Tita Cervera or Carmen Thyssen.

As the scheduled date for the launch in this Sant Jordi approached, Nieves and the publisher contacted Tita Thyssen to return the texts. But she didn’t. De facto, the most famous art collector in Spain has paralyzed, vetoed, or aborted the sale scheduled for these days.

They told from his environment that he did it because he wanted to get away from appearances and public presentations, such as those that would imply the promotion of his authorized biography and written by none other than Nieves Herrero.

They explained to us that Tita does not want to appear in the media even to celebrate a figure as round as her 80th birthday. Let’s remember that the Baroness was involved in a couple of controversies in recent weeks and her family asked her to lower the profile of her appearances and try to go unnoticed for a while.

his interview with Risto Mejide and the question that the ex of Laura Scanes (“Is Borja Thyssen the father of your daughters?”) caused the Baroness a disagreement with her family. The question was used by Mediaset in the promotion of the Chester, but it was censored. Even so, Tita was touched.

The producer withdrew from the broadcast any allusion to minors and they say that Borja, the alluded son of the patron, did not agree with the dissemination of the response that his mother had recorded to answer the question. In the promotion that did spread, Tita answered perplexed: “My daughters have a father”, admitting at least that he is not an anonymous donor but that she knows the identity of her father. Another thing is the overwhelming physical resemblance between Borja and one of the twins.

Later, Tita Thyssen appeared at the inauguration of her new hotel on the Costa Brava and had to answer questions about surrogacy, since the ‘Ana Obregón case’ had just jumped and journalists found parallels with the actress after the presenter publicly admitted that she is her daughter’s biological grandmother Ana Sandra Lequio, engendered by a surrogate from the semen of her son Aless, who died in 2020.

The Baroness recalled that she had used the same method as the biologist to become the mother of her twins, Carmen and Sabina, in 2006, and that she was 63 years old, but she hastened to deny that she had advised the mother of Aless Lequio or would have helped her. “What Ana has done seems great to me. I congratulate her and I want her to be very happy with her girl, I am very happy for her,” he said. “She and I are friends, but I have not advised anyone. At the moment I have congratulated her and nothing else, we will talk long and hard,” the baroness clarified.

She was not amused that they related her to the “Obregón case” despite the parallels

They say that someone very close asked the baroness to move away from the spotlight at this time and to paralyze or at least delay the presentation, promotion and launch of her authorized biography. “Both Nieves Herrero and the editorial they are puzzled. They don’t know when they will be able to get it out. Everything was ready for the launch and she did not want to give the ok “, they explain to us. “Tita does not want to talk at a time in her life when she lives calmly with her twins and her son Borja, away from controversy.”

Outraged with Susanna Griso’s program

This Sunday, Tita Cervera herself turned 80 years old and in Public mirror they took care of her. The Baroness came on the phone on Monday and gave everyone a real “slap on the wrist”, as they said in the magazine, simply because she was upset that her age was mentioned (which everyone knows) and because they said that the father was mechanic while she clarified that she owned a garage. “Happy Birthday”Griso greeted the patron.

“Thank you very much. You always say that my father was a mechanic and he was not. He had a garage. You say things that are not and you should check,” Carmen scolded, without losing her composure and in good spirits. “Slap on the wrist,” added the presenter, a skillful and respectful packer.

“Spartaccus Santoni he was bigamous and that marriage was invalid. I’ve been married twice: to Lex and Heini. And the years are not told in a woman. For years I have seen life at the age I wanted to stay, the twenties,” added Tita Thyssen. Then she revealed that she had celebrated her 80th anniversary as a family: “With my son, his children, his wife, my girls and all fine,” he clarified.

Then they reminded him about the biography: “A biography of you is being prepared that will be done by Nieves Herrero,” they told him. And there came the surprise: “I am writing my biography myself, because I think it will be what is most similar to my way of thinking and being, I have always liked to write”, he said.

It is speculated that one of the reasons that Tita vetoes the biography written by Nieves herrero (and whose texts she has in her possession) is that she does not speak well of her daughter-in-law. In the interview granted to Risto Mejide In Mediaset it did not leave Blanca Cuesta very well: “My son, at 19, got married and changed his life,” he told Risto. “I have missed him a lot, there are many moments in my life that I would have liked to have him by my side. I have suffered a lot for him. But what are we going to do? Life is like that,” she said resignedly.