These are the possible destinations

The princess Leonor He finished his course at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza on June 19 and now he has to enjoy the summer season. As this is her first summer as an adult, the heir to the throne has asked Felipe VI and Doña Letizia if she can go on vacation with her Academy classmates, with whom she maintains a close friendship.

Princess Leonor had a conversation with her parents where she raised the possibility of spending this summer with her group of friends from the General Military Academy of Zaragoza.“, they revealed this Sunday from Fiesta.

All of the destinations that Leonor has suggested are in Spain and are locations where the parents of her Academia friends have a residence. “There are three locations in Spain where his Academy classmates have residence. The first of them is in Route (Cadiz) next to the military base. The second scenario is next to La Barrosa beach (Cádiz). Finally, the third scenario, and the one that may be the definitive one, is an urbanization in Cabo de Palos (Murcia)“, they have stated from the aforementioned space.

Although no stage is closed yet, Their Majesties’ security team inspected the Cabo de Palos development a couple of days ago. “There is still no closed stage, but a few days ago a security team from the royal house was seen in the Cabo de Palo urbanization“, they have assured from Telecinco.
