The young woman run over by Victoria Federica is already cured: there was no sprain or fissure in the foot

There was not a sprain or a fissure. the foot of Maríathe young woman who was stepped on by the horse of Victoria Federica At the April Fair he is already well and has practically recovered from the severe bruise on the instep caused by the horse’s footprint. A second diagnosis in a private clinic confirms this.

The “tutor” of the daughter of the infanta elena, Nicholas Murgahas been in charge of going this Wednesday, around 11 in the morning, with María to a private medical center, paid for by Victoria Federica, to subject the injured girl to a second medical test and thus ensure the diagnosis.

Read also: Victoria Federica’s reaction after a young woman was run over by a horse in Seville: has she apologized?

According to publish vanitysources close to the niece of King Felipe VI They assure and confirm that “there was no sprain”, and that there has been no break or fissure in the foot. The environment of the sister of froilan He is relieved after knowing the results of this second “check” of the foot. The young woman will be able to recover the normal rhythm of her life in the coming days, since the tests show that the consequences of the incident with the frame were much less serious than what was initially indicated in the Seville hospital.

This accident has made Victoria Federica the protagonist of the social chronicle of what is happening at El Real de la Feria this year. Initially, the information indicated that the premium for Leonor he hadn’t cared about the young woman who had been hit by a car when the accident happened, and had gone on his way as if nothing had happened.

Later it was learned that Vic had warned the girl who was stepped on by his horse with a “care, care” of the danger, and that she has remained very concerned about the condition of her foot at all times. For that reason, she ordered Nicolas Murga, whose role as Vic’s “guardian” has come to light due to the incident, to take care of all the care Maria needed in Madrid.

However, the “evil” had already been done, and the torrent of memes and publications on social networks alluding to the possible haughty and arrogant attitude of the king emeritus’ granddaughter has not stopped since the day of the outrage.