The woman who has denounced Juanjo Ballesta for alleged sexual assault: “He injured my parts”

Juan José Ballesta, The ball, has been accused of alleged sexual assault and will have to testify as an investigator on November 7. Different sources have confirmed that, according to the analyzes carried out by the doctors and which are part of the report of the National Police of Parla, the woman who reported had consumed narcotic substances, which is why she later had to go to the psychiatric area of ​​the center where She was being treated for having been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

The complainant remembers the episode, last July, with these words: “I lived a nightmare… He hurt me with his hand. I only ask for justice.” The woman has spoken on the Ana Rosa Quintana program, TardeAR. With her back turned, with her voice distorted and protecting his identity, she commented: “He took his hand and hurt me there and abused me, in the street.” According to the woman’s harsh story, both had consumed some type of substances. She added that the actor was looking for heroin and that he stole 200 euros from her: “I had an interview on TV the next day and I needed heroin to calm down“.

The actor “does not know this person,” says his lawyer

The actor’s lawyer, Beatriz Uriarte, has assured Europa Press that her client does not know the complainant: “My client does not know this person, nor can I provide much more information about the procedure.”

The lawyer has been incredulous at the testimony of the alleged victim because she has claimed to be a childhood friend and neighbor of the Goya winner: “The reality is that it has been published that apparently they are childhood friends “It surprises me because they have a very wide age difference.” (She, 47; and he, 35). “It’s a little difficult for her to be his childhood friend and it’s also very complicated for her to be his neighbor because they don’t live in the same block and apparently he doesn’t live in the same place as Juan José Ballesta either. Madrid is very big and to say that living in Madrid we are neighbors, I think it is overreaching.”

Beatriz Uriarte wants to make it clear: “To date he has not been arrested, this process has already been judicialized and also what I want to highlight is that he does not have any type of criminal or police record, nor has there been any type of sentence, Therefore there is an investigation, we will declare before the judicial authority and that he has not been accused of anything because the complaint has not even been ratified by the complainant.”

On whether it is true that the woman had filed a complaint against her client while he was undergoing psychiatric treatment: “It is biased information. We must look at whether this complaint has credibility and meets the requirements so that it can undermine the presumption of innocence of my client.”