The tremendous “plagiarism” of Malta's choreography to Chanel's 'SloMo' sets the internet on fire: “Shameless”

Social networks echo the rivals who In Nebula will have in Eurovision 2024. In this sense, Malta's proposal is generating a great stir on social networks due to the great resemblance that its choreography bears to that of the SloMo of Chanel.

So much so that in X comparisons have been made between the performance of the Spanish-Cuban artist and the Maltese one. Sarah Bonicci, who has been chosen to represent her country at the European festival. The similarity is such that there is even talk of “plagiarism” and “copy.” “If you are going to copy SloMo, at least not be so blatant. Malta this year is strong,” they write.

Chanel Terrero made history on May 14, 2022 by winning third place in Eurovision in Turin (Italy), only behind the winner, Ukraine, and the second-placed, United Kingdom. For Spain it was the best result in 27 years.

Until now, Spain has only won the Eurovision trophy twice: in 1968, with the The, the, the of Massieland in 1969, with Salome y I live singing, a victory that was shared with three other countries. Throughout the history of the festival, Spain has also obtained some second places: Karina (1971), Mocedades (1973), Betty Missi (1979) y Anabel Conde (1995).

In 2023, Chanel's successor was White Dovealthough her flamenco lullaby did not convince the European public, finishing in position number 17 out of 26. This year, Spain tries its luck with Nebulossa after winning the Benidorm Fest this weekend with The debt.

On behalf of Malta, Sarah Bonicci has been chosen to represent her country in the competition, which is held between May 7 and May 14, when the grand final will take place in Malmö (Sweden). The song of this young 25-year-old performer is called Loop and in the Maltese selection process he obtained a total of 102 points, 22 more than Matt Blxck, the second classified with Banana.
