The Tax Agency has annulled the fine of 500,000 euros that it had imposed on Ana Duato, issued by mistake and that the actress had already paid years ago. The interpreter has explained the suffering that this signaling of the Treasury has meant for her and her environment: “Errors like this have been destroying my family, personal and professional life for seven years,” she assured.
And it is that the Treasury still at this stage of the process asked Duato to pay half a million euros, despite the fact that the protagonist of Tell me how it happened I had already paid for it before. After verifying the calculation error, the tax ministry has annulled the sanction they requested and they have admitted, through a letter, that the claim received by the actress a month ago had been sent wrongly, and for an amount that Duato had already paid in 2016.
Read also: Imanol Arias and Ana Duato, on trial with prison requests for 27 and 32 years
The notice that informed of the sanction urged him to pay his personal income tax payments from 2010 to 2012, precisely the fiscal years that had already been studied by the courts since the investigation of the Nummaria case began 4 years ago, which dotted Duato, to Imanol Arias and other members of the production company Tell me for alleged crimes against the Public Treasury.

The actress won an appeal against that statement before the Regional Economic Administrative Court, which forced the ministry at the time to return to the artist the amount she had already delivered, so the Treasury’s request added a duplicate blunder.
“Errors like this from the Tax Agency have been destroying my family, personal and professional life for seven years,” said Ana Duato, who, on the other hand, feels the logical relief after the correction: “Fortunately, the Treasury has rectified and annulled this claim ; in the judicial procedure, he is also admitting that there is no crime where at the beginning the prosecutor said that there was “.

The process has caused both her and her environment to experience another great upset related to her taxation: “This is all very good, but the wear and tear of the road is being very painful for me and my family; I just hope that the prosecutor soon follow the same path that the Tax Agency is following”, commented the mother of Miguel Bernardeu.
It should be remembered that both Ana and her co-star Imanol are pending trial at the National Court. Although the two have shown their intention to regularize their situation with the Public Treasury and have already paid a large part of what was defrauded, they were unable to reach an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office and they will finally sit on the defendant’s bench. They face around thirty years in prison each.