She is the third in discord in the scandalous triangle that she has formed with Alvaro Muñoz Escassi y Maria Jose SuarezThey claim that she signed a confidentiality agreement with the jockey after collecting the debt he claimed of 1,750 euros for his services, but this Wednesday the woman, whose initials are VC, offered a real declaration of intentions: “I don’t want to talk about anything right now, I’m sorry. The time will come to tell everything.”
He told the program Together via a phone call. The Telemadrid programme claims that this woman can not only dismantle all of Escassi’s lies but also has very sensitive material in her possession. “This is the first chapter of everything that really exists. We will see what happens because there is much more.”said Mónika Vergara. Her partner, Isabel Rábago, has expanded on the information: “I’m not going to reproduce the email but I know the content. It talks about infidelities, dates, places, future plans, holidays that everyone was going to spend together… It’s not just any email… María José has the dates right and Álvaro is distancing himself from the extortion,” she said. “I have spoken to this woman and I have asked her why she doesn’t talk, if she has signed a confidentiality contract with Álvaro and has paid him but she hasn’t responded. I don’t know if she wants to respond on a bigger stage or if there was a confidentiality signature this afternoon.”
A few hours earlier they were the panelists of TardeAR They explained that on June 26, Escassi and this woman reached an agreement to settle the matter and avoid a scandal. He paid her 1,750 euros for her services and she agreed to sign a confidentiality contract that would prevent her from speaking about the matter publicly. In addition, the document they signed also indicates that the woman must destroy all audiovisual and textual evidence that links her to Escassi: photographs, videos, messages, audios…
María José Suárez, for her part, wants to stay out of the scandal. This Wednesday she cancelled her appearance at an event: “She is overwhelmed,” said those in charge. The model is very hurt and angry because she claims that her ex is only trying to whitewash the infidelities he has committed: “We were in moments of crisis,” she said. She claims that there were crises but no breakups and that she was never with others.