The prisoners of Koh Samui, fed up, denounce the “privileges” of Daniel Sancho: “They treat him better because of his status”

The situation of daniel sancho inside the Koh Samui jail would be better than you might think. This is confirmed by one of his colleagues, who has denounced the “favourable treatment” that the son of Rodolfo Sancho since he entered provisional prison on August 7 after confessing to the murder of Edwin Arrieta.

“He has more privileges compared to the rest. They probably treat him better because he has a different status than the rest,” said an inmate in And now Sonsoles.

According to his version, the grandson of Sancho Grace He has asked the prison management for a more comfortable mattress, since he sleeps on a “very thin” mattress. “He asks for things. The bed he had was very fine and he asked for a better one,” says his partner.

The other point that causes discomfort among the inmates is that, for money, “he has more calls with his family, and more visits.” As she reported, Silvia Bronchalo He has paid a total of 170 euros to his son during these days that he has been visiting him. In theory, however, Daniel can only spend 13 euros a day.

Daniel Sancho's daily routine in jail: shared cell with 20 prisoners and Buddhist prayers |  Zero Wave Radio

This Thursday, the exactriz did not go to the prison to see the young chef. “Since August 17, he had never missed his visit with his son, about 15 minutes through a glass that was giving Daniel Sancho strength to cope with this almost first month that he has been in jail,” they commented in The Ana Rosa Program.

The landing in Thailand of the protagonist of series like The ministry of time o Isabelfor his part, would be imminent. “Rodolfo Sancho intended to visit him (Daniel) at the end of this week, apparently she is not in her hotel and they did not intend to meet,” he revealed. Patricia Pardo.