The most committed Vinicius

The ninth chapter of the series Vini for Real shows Vinicius most committed to the fight against racism. In this episode, the Madrid striker asks the authorities to take a severe stance to combat racists and prevent cases of racial discrimination from continuing. Vinicius acknowledges that “in Brazil we have to change a lot. We have to improve security, schools, education, we must have more teachers and more classrooms. “And he says that” everything will improve if we have more children in schools and in sports. “

The Madrid player, who in previous chapters showed details about his preparation at a professional level, takes advantage of this ninth episode to send a message of respect for racial equality. Vinicius also recognizes which are the two athletes he sees as a reference: “I am a huge fan of Lebron James and Hamilton, two athletes who defend this cause a lot and who seek equality in the world. I can also help ”.