The meeting between Rodolfo Sancho and his son already has a date: the countdown begins

The actor returned to Fuerteventura this Thursday after having traveled to Madrid to visit his mother and take steps related to his son’s case. An unexpected twist in the script, as many believed that Rodolfo would fly to Thailand from the capital. However, Daniel will still have to wait a few more days to see his father, since Rodolfo will fly to Southeast Asia at the end of next week.

This has been confirmed by Telecinco. His spokesperson, Carmen Balfagón, assures that there is no set date but it will be at the end of next week when Rodolfo finally travels to Koh Samui to meet his son, who entered prison on August 7 after pleading guilty to the murder. Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta.

At the moment, only his mother, Silvia Bronchalo, has been able to visit him in prison. In addition to his emotional support, Daniel has also received financial help from him (104 euros, 4000 bats) that he uses to buy food and eat better.

Meanwhile, Rodolfo has remained in Spain to take care of his son’s legal situation. He hired the services of the Balfagón-Chippirrás law firm to support Daniel’s Thai defense, headed by lawyer Khun Anan, and this week he has also hired the services of well-known lawyer Marcos García Montes. In addition, he has managed the rental of a house near the Koh Samui prison where his son is staying to turn it into the “family quarters” and enjoy more privacy when they visit him in the coming months.