It was Monday, March 4, when little Carlos was born and the faces of Carlos Fitz-James Stuart y Belén Corsini They lit up with the best of smiles. This Friday, May 24, they will experience another of their great days with the baptism of their son, which will take place at the Liria Palace. The same place where they both got married in May 2021 and where so many important events have been celebrated for the Alba family.
Everything seems to indicate that the son of the Duke and Duchess of Osorno will wear the skirt of his grandfather Carlos Fitz-James Stuart as a Christian dress. This celebration comes around seven months after the baptism of his cousin Sofía, the second daughter of Fernando Fitz-James Stuart and Sofía Palazuelo, which took place on October 7 in the church of San Román in Seville.
At that celebration, some tension was once again perceived due to the tensions that Cayetano Martínez de Irujo and his sister Eugenia had once again been involved in in recent months, following the investigation by the Ministry of the Environment in three of the family farms.
The Count of Salvatierra assured that he tried to legalize the situation but they did not allow it and Eugenia, normally discreet, burst out: “Do you know what happens to Cayetano? That he takes advantage of the fact that the rest of us don’t talk. I just don’t understand him.” “The problem is that he takes advantage of the fact that the rest of us brothers don’t open our mouths.”
Recently, both brothers – who do not speak – have met again in public. They coincided at the event for Andalusia Day in February and also at the April Fair. This Friday, the House of Alba meets again, opening a new chapter in family history.
Carlos Fitz-James Stuart and Belén Corsini
Carlos, the child who is going to be baptized, is the first male grandson of the current Duke of Alba, Carlos Juan Fitz-James Stuart y Martínez de Irujo. His other two granddaughters are Rosario and Sofiathe two daughters of his heir, Fernando Fitz-James Stuartand his wife, Sofia Palazuelodukes of Huéscar.
Carlos and Belén said “I do” in May 2021 at the Liria Palace, which was conditioned to receive 200 guests including family and friends. The religious ceremony was officiated by Ignacio Sánchez Dalp, a priest who is a close friend of the Casa de Alba, and the celebration took place in the gardens to respect the health regulations of the post-covid era.