The Entrecanales, one of the most powerful families in our country, have put the finishing touch to the summer with a great wedding. It is the link between Nacho Domecq Carrion y Natalia Couretwhich took place this weekend in the chapel of the Puerta de Hierro Club in Madrid.
The groom is the son of fatima carrionsister of the wife of Jose Manuel Entrecanalesand the polo player Ignacio Domecq Urquijo. Nacho works in the family business as business development director for Acciona Energía in Southeast Asia. The girlfriend, for her part, is a senior advisor at Morningstar Sustainanalytics, in Singapore, as she tells The confidential.

Accompanied by her godfather, Natalia arrived at the temple and shone in her elegant wedding dress. She opted for a model with straps and a tulle overbody, as well as a delicate veil attached to a low updo. The most ‘daring’ touch she put it with long blue stone earrings.

The post-religious ceremony celebration took place in the same club, a very private space that did not allow the looks of all the guests to be seen. This exclusive site has witnessed other VIP weddings such as that of the daughter of Cristina Cifuentes, Cris Aguilar con Enrique de Olasoo Alejandra Romero Suarez y Pedro Armas.

The Entrecanales are also related to Bertin Osborne. On October 2, 2021, his daughter Claudia the ‘yes I want’ was given with Jose Entrecanales in the church of San Miguel in Jerez de la Frontera, in Cádiz. The son-in-law of the ranchera singer is the son of the aforementioned José Manuel Entrecanales, executive president of Acciona, and Maria Carrion. Claudia will soon be the mother for the second time of a baby they will call Violetand that she will make her eldest daughter an older sister, Micaela.