The international press surrenders to the jumps of Queen Letizia with the National Team

The British press surrenders to Doña Letizia’s hugs and jumps during the celebration of the epic victory of the Spanish National Team in the World Cup.

Stripped of protocol, Letizia showed her most spontaneous gestures in the stadium box when all of Spain was waiting for the end of the match against England. Also, when she hugged the players on the podium. A gesture of admiration and affection.

The international press acclaimed the trip, the support and closeness of the Queen and her daughter Sofía, who was wrapped in the Spanish flag. From CNN in London, which highlights “Letizia’s celebration” in Sydney, while “English royalty stayed home.” The media dislike Guillermo, who justified his absence in the grand final for ecological reasons, to avoid the carbon footprint of traveling to Australia by plane.

Daily Mail titled “Jumping for joy!”, with an image of the Queen celebrating on the pitch with the soccer players. “Radiant queen Letizia”, ​​they write. Besides, flavors The red of his look stands out in support of La Roja, the emblematic color of the selection.