The infanta Cristina who can with everything: Nòos, prison, invisibility in Zarzuela and the hot photos of Iñaki in Formentera

A romantic stroll Iñaki Urdangarin with her co-worker Ainhoa ​​Armentia on a beach in Bidart dynamited the 24-year union of the former Duke and the infant Christina. Some images that caused an immense media stir for weeks in quiet Vitoria. This October 4, 2022, the marriage would have been 25 years old. The silver wedding that has not arrived.

During this quarter of a century, Cristina’s loyalty to Iñaki has been unshakable, despite the Nòos case, her exile to Washington, the prison in Brieva (Ávila) and her ‘disqualification’ from Zarzuela. Cristina, out of love for the former handball player, has been able to do everything. She became stronger than ever. Even when Felipe VI revoked her title of Duchess of Palma (a gift from her father Don Juan Carlos when she got married) and she became invisible in the Royal House. The infanta has been the pillar of her family and she has lived like a pineapple with her children during Iñaki’s years in prison.

Now he faces a divorce process, which has no turning back. There was talk of an approach between the two, but no. And it seemed that the walk hand in hand with Iñaki and Ainhoa ​​in January pointed to a short-term relationship, but seeing those kisses and hugs sandy from the beach of Formentera and in the waters of the Mediterranean a few weeks ago, I open my eyes. I see as much passion as journey. I also see a lot of beach in this relationship. They like this scenario of sea, sand and love.

The Urdangarin-Borbón marriage had not worked for a long time. This is so at the moment when different images of the former handball player and his best friend dating from the summer of 2021 jump to the media. When Iñaki’s relationship sees the light, the media foreshadow that the infanta was aware of this adventure and that, even, it was the former duke himself who would have informed him of the existence of Ainhoa ​​in his life.

The breakup statement

On January 24, 2022, after the media storm caused by Iñaki’s infidelity to Cristina, the former dukes announce their breakup and decide “by mutual agreement, interrupt their marital relationship”. They underline that the commitment to their four children “remains intact”. In this announcement explicit reference is made to the fact that “It is a private decision”. The marriage of the former dukes had not been going well at least since that summer of 2021. It was broken in the private sphere, in the strictly family sphere. But not in the public sphere, which we found out about in a magazine. But the private sphere for the former duke is a relaxed concept, seen the kisses with Ainhoa ​​a few days ago in Formentera.
