The “incoherent” behavior of Prince Andrew that worries the hard core of the palace

Prince Andrew does not raise his head. Invisibilized and ostracized for his connection to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, found dead in prison in 2019, Charles III's brother has no public life. Without titles and stripped of military honors by his own mother, Elizabeth II, Andrew presents a real problem for the monarch. In fact, he emphasizes Daily Record, Scottish tabloid based in Glasgow, that the prince's “incoherent” behavior, as revealed by an official, has raised concern in recent days in the family environment of The Firm.

Since his accession to the Throne, in September 2022, Charles of England maintains the lock that the Queen imposed on Andrés. And the monarch, at the funeral of Henry of Edinburgh, allowed herself to be accompanied before the world by the fact that she was her favorite son. A gesture of favoritism that was interpreted as the Queen's public forgiveness of Andrés.

Carlos is tougher, who has not given an inch with his brother. He has not shown the slightest weakness before a man, Andrés, who escaped sitting on the bench after a million-dollar settlement with the woman who accused him of having reported sexual abuse when she was a minor. The Virgina Giuffre case and the dark friendship with the millionaire magnate Epstein, architect of the minor sex trafficking network, became hell for Andrés.

Now that Epstein's papers have been released by order of the judge, the girl trafficking case has returned to the headlines. The nightmare is revived and the prince's “incoherent” behavior has set off alarms in the hardest core of the palace. Charles must find a fit in the family for the Duke of York. They assure from the aforementioned medium that exile would not be an option for fear of the noise that their mere presence can generate.. That is to say, wherever he goes, wherever he resides, Andrés represents a problem for the House.

This real concern for the monarch, which is also reflected by the royal analyst of the Daily Mail Robert Hardman in his new book, Charles III: New king, new court. The Inside Story, is one more battle to deal with that is added to that of his son Harry. The distance between father and son is growing.