The important donation of Iker Jiménez to the foundation of the late doctor ‘Spiriman’

Last October 13 Jesus Candelbetter known as Spiritman, He died of lung cancer at the age of 46.. The doctor from Granada became viral after his protests in favor of public health on social networks.

Also read: A widow, four children and a charitable foundation: the magnificent legacy of Spiriman

His death has left his family, followers and friends devastated, but also familiar faces such as Iker Jimenez. The presenter of Fourth millenium He wanted to pay tribute to him with a special gesture.

Jiménez has shared on social networks a screenshot of the donation that he and his team have made to the UAPO foundation (Oncology Patient Support Unit): 1,500 euros. Through her, Candel tried to alleviate the effects of cancer and its treatments through sports and physiotherapy for the patient’s well-being.

Spiriman was very secretive about his private life but he bragged about the loves of his life on occasion. “I am married to a woman who gives me a thousand turns in everything and whom I love madly.” In addition, he leaves behind four children: Jesus, Alvaro, Eugenia y Antonio. In recent months, they have become his greatest support: “Now, all that annoying energy that resides in me, I dedicate it to my children,” he assured in one of his videos.