The grandson of the year? He creates his grandfather instructions to watch football and becomes famous

  • This grandfather did not know how to use the remote control to watch football
  • Users thanked him for the nice gesture with his grandfather
Image: iStock

If we look at the past for a moment, we can realize how our way of life has evolved. The development of new technologies has meant that in a single couple of years our way of studying, working, communicating and all the things we do in our daily lives will change completely.

While young people are more easily assuming new technologies and new electronic devices, older people are not so accustomed and sometimes it can be difficult for them to learn how to put them to work.

An example of this is what happened to the grandfather of Twitter user Juanjo. The grandfather wanted to watch football on television but did not know how, since he had to follow a pattern of buttons on his remote control.

To solve this situation, his grandson devised an original solution. The young man drew a picture of his grandfather with the necessary instructions to follow in order to watch football. In the drawing you can see a remote control, next to arrows and a series of numbers that indicate the order you have to follow to get to see football.

The Twitter user himself uploaded the image of his drawing to his personal account and the image soon went viral. Many users thanked him for the nice gesture he had with his grandfather while others shared other techniques they have created to make life easier for their loved ones.