The Government approves a grant to ADESP to promote digital training


The Council of Ministers also gave its approval to another Royal Decree regulating the direct granting of a grant of 12 million euros, six million in this 2022 and the other six in 2023, to the Spanish Sports Association (ADESP). ).

As indicated by the Higher Sports Council (CSD) in a press release, the association’s mission will be to launch a project aimed at “digital training of high-level, high-performance athletes, members of national teams, participants in federative programs, and national and regional technicians of the national and regional federations, of the sports facilities where the sporting activity of the aforementioned athletes takes place”.

This proposal “will make it possible to train at least 6,000 people until September 2025, and whose achievement must be aligned with the objectives of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR)”.