The FCF shows willingness to collaborate with the investigation after the search of its headquarters


The Catalan Football Federation (FCF) has stated that the Mossos d’Esquadra search at its headquarters ended at 8:00 p.m. this Tuesday, and that all staff and federation members present “have collaborated widely to clarify the facts.” investigated” and that remains available in the judicial process, reported in a statement.

The search, throughout the day, has been carried out by order of a judge in the framework of a case for alleged falsification of documents and unfair administration, reports the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC), and the person responsible for the case is the Court of Instruction 2 of Sabadell (Barcelona), which has decreed the secrecy of the proceedings.

For now the Mossos have not reported any arrests and the TSJC has announced that it will not offer details about the case while the secrecy of the proceedings remains in force.

The FCF has expressed its commitment to clarify the judicial process and has made itself available to the Mossos “throughout the process.”

He also explained that this Wednesday the board of directors and workers will be able to return to their usual jobs.