The eschatological moment of Antonio Tejado's arrest: “The police entered without warning, he was self-satisfied”

What was missing in this dark story. It was the most unexpected detail in this episode of Antonio Tejado and his alleged connection with the gang of robbers who attacked his aunt's property, Maria del Monte. The moment the Sevillian was arrested by the police “he was self-satisfied”. This is how Beatriz Cortázar told it in It's Federico's morning. The arrest occurred on February 10.

They caught him with double talk. He with himself and… with two at the same time. “He had a phone in each hand.”Cortázar detailed in the microphones of Federico Jiménez Losantos' esRadio. “Suddenly, the police came in without warning.” Regarding the gang of villa robbers, the journalist added that she was being investigated “for some time” by specialized police agents: “They were listening to them.”

Tejado was arrested within the framework of an operation against an organization dedicated to robbing houses in the Aljarafe region. Eight other people, arrested in different parts of Seville, were brought to judicial custody in the Prado courts of San Sebastián. Today the Sevillian is in provisional prison along with five other people for allegedly belonging to a criminal gang dedicated to robbing luxury homes, including María's.

It sounds increasingly louder that Tejado requests to testify voluntarily before the judge on March 1. Rosario Mohedano's ex would like to defend his innocence by shifting the focus towards the weakest of those who were in his aunt's house on the night of the robbery: his maid. Given her knowledge of the place and the movements of the owners, the domestic worker would have been in the crosshairs of the Civil Guard at the beginning of the investigation. The agents have identified the 36-year-old as “the intellectual author” of these robberies, perpetrated with violence and intimidation, by providing “information about the victims to the rest of the organization.”
