Broken, looking lost and tearful. The disowned Prince Andrew has walked alongside his brothers, Charles III, Anne and Edward on the path that separated Westminster Hall from Westminster Abbey. All the sovereign’s sons were dressed in military uniform, with their honors, except the Duke of York, who was in civilian clothes, in a dark suit, white shirt and black tie.
The newly proclaimed king led the funeral procession, together with his brothers, Eduardo, Ana and Andrés; and the monarch’s sons, William and Harry. The Duke of Sussex has also worn a civilian suit.
Andrés has entered the abbey last. He had his head down and was looking at the ground. Although last Friday he was able to wear his uniform at a vigil, at the state funeral he did not wear his military finery.

His mother stripped him of his titles and military honors in January for his connection to the Epstein case. The dark friendship of the Duke of York with the pedophile tycoon took a heavy toll on him, for which he had to pay, as a donation, some 14 million euros to Virginia Giuffre. With this extrajudicial agreement, the Duke stopped the process by which the plaintiff had accused him of having sexually abused her when she was a minor.