Eugenia Santana She jumped to the forefront of current affairs in 1993 after representing Spain in Miss Universe and sneaking into the top 10 favorites. But 30 years later, the life of what she was one of the most prominent models in our country has completely changed.
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This Friday, the canary sat in the Deluxe to talk about the nightmare she suffered this week after being admitted to a psychiatric hospital against her will: “The policemen made me go down in my pajamas and they didn’t make me go up anymore. They took me to a hospital, to a place where people who try to take their own life. But I didn’t mean to take my own life.”
“I did not intend to tell this, but this news has come out… I admit that I am not well, I am not in my best moment. Perhaps it is the worst moment… But I have something clear, that I want to live”, she clarified very excited.

For Eugenia, her problems began with her separation from the Venezuelan jose faria “which was quite unpleasant, dramatic, with gender violence and a restraining order.” “I did not expect that separation, you trust a person, you are with her for 22 years and you realize that you have been with a person you have not met because he was not the man I expected… or he was transformed, perhaps.” As a result of her marriage, her son Otto was born in 2016.
In the midst of that, the former cover model for magazines such as Interview he took care of his mother, who spent 17 years fighting various diseases. Eugenia has inherited one of them: “A year ago they discovered that she was sick with Cadasil, a rare disease. Discovering it is hard, it is a cerebrovascular disease and I am the only one who has inherited it, I discovered it six months ago. It is hard to know that you are going to end up as you have seen your mother. I am afraid and above all for my son”.

But the difficult testimony of the former participant of The jungle of celebrities in 2004 does not end there. Currently, he is undergoing treatment to fight depression and has been diagnosed with bipolarity: “I forgot to eat, I forgot to bathe, I didn’t feel like going out, I started to lock myself up, to be alone with my mother and my son.” “Towards strange things” such as “putting people in the house who are not suitable, giving everything away, lending money” and losing “the keys to the house all the time.” “I was diagnosed with bipolarity. I went from being very depressed to having moments of euphoria. There were days when I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore and I didn’t want to continue living,” she acknowledged.