The clubs ask the CSD for “an immediate and reasoned response” on the professionalization of futsal


The clubs of the First Division of national futsal have requested this Wednesday “an immediate and reasoned response” to the president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), José Manuel Franco, regarding his request for professionalization, something that he does not see viable at this time the Government, which they also ask to be more “prudent and plural” and not stick solely to what they consider “a biased version” and based on data that have not been “verified”.

“Faced with what they consider inappropriate administrative silence, the clubs demand, individually and showing their firm determination, the president of the CSD, José Manuel Franco, to offer an immediate and reasoned response to the request officially presented on October 7. 2022 for the qualification of the National Futsal League as a professional,” the LNFS said in a statement.

The association points out that the First Division teams, “members of the LNFS”, have sent two burofaxes to the parliamentary groups of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos “to show their absolute disagreement with the criteria set forth by their political representatives to vote against professionalization in the Culture and Sport Commission”.

In addition, the clubs ask the Government and the CSD to be “more prudent and plural” when assessing this matter and “do not offer only a biased and distorted version” by questioning in the response last Monday ‘the lack of maturity and economic stability’ of the clubs “with partial information offered by the RFEF, thus undermining the 34-year history that supports the LNFS”, also reflected in the successes of the Spanish team.

“If they continue to do so publicly, in response to questions from other parliamentary groups in Congress, both institutions would be suspiciously aligning themselves with the denial theses of the RFEF, which only seeks its own benefit and not that of sport, as it already demonstrated with its refusal. to the creation of the F League”, he adds.

The LNFS regrets that these statements “generate an alarming climate of uncertainty and very serious reputational damage for sponsors and
institutions that support futsal and that are uneasy about the drift of the competition at the level of management and media exposure since it is in the hands of the Spanish Football Federation”.


For this reason, the association chaired by Javier Lozano “urges dialogue and rigor” to the Government and the Council so that data that “has not been verified and lacks foundation” is not used on the aforementioned economic sustainability of the competition and the absence of solid employment structures, which he believes could be “publicly compared with those available to women’s soccer and handball at the time they achieved their professionalization.”

“The confrontation of the figures would expose the CSD and would demonstrate in a clear way that a comparative grievance with futsal is taking place and a tremendous damage to those
clubs that scrupulously comply with the legal requirements for their competition to be declared professional”, warns the League.

In this sense, the association points out that the CSD already has “for months an extensive report” where it can verify “the current figures of medical and media return” of the First Division and its clubs. “The decision is being unjustifiably delayed, politicizing and instrumentalizing it to favor the interests of the RFEF with government inaction, thus breaking all the principles of equity and
transparency required”, criticizes.

The LNFS assures that its members reiterated “with conviction2 that professionalization “is the only way to build the sustainable future of the sport” because it would allow “consolidating the structures and improving the conditions of all futsal players as players and coaches”, and concludes by emphasizing that the Coaches Association has also officially requested that the CSD issue “urgently” a resolution on this request.