The Central Lechera Asturiana Women’s Race 2022 brings together 100,000 women and raises more than 100,000 euros


The 2022 edition of the Central Lechera Asturiana Women’s Race has brought together 101,500 women this year in its nine events held and has raised more than 100,000 euros for different social and solidarity causes, the organization reported on Monday.

The ‘pink tide’ reached 104,685 euros in donations, totaling in its 18-year history more than one and a half million euros raised (1,589,685 euros), to which must be added the enormous value and economic impact of the communication and awareness campaigns carried out, the evaluation of the free stands, the free numbers 100% in solidarity with the different NGOs and local associations in the nine cities, or the media impact and return of the appearances of these projects in the traditional media and on social networks.

In addition, the solidarity spirit of previous editions has been maintained with a contribution of 75,000 euros to the Spanish Association Against Cancer at the end of the circuit and financial support has continued for three foundations focused on protecting women in different fields: Wanawake Mujer , Fundación GEICAM and Clara Campoamor, with a donation of 1,000 euros to each of them, to which must be added the assembly and cost of modular stands for the three projects at the brokerage fairs in each of the nine cities; the value of the assembly and space of each one of the stands is 900 euros (8,100 euros of contribution in total adding the 9 cities).

Also at a national level and throughout the circuit, the Pulseras Rosas Association has been present with a stand at the various fairs, cutting pigtails to women who wanted to donate their hair and collaborating in the purchase of wigs for women with cancer and without resources. The organization has also given space for it.

On the other hand, in all the cities it has been possible to acquire 100% solidarity bibs in favor of a local project for a price of 20 euros and the participants have been able to make voluntary donations to each cause. The organization has donated these numbers for the charity sale and has collaborated with the projects Association of Women with Disabilities Xarxa (Valencia); Bey ProAction Association of Gema Hassen-Bey (Madrid); Association of Breast Cancer and Gynecology of Álava (Vitoria); The Blue Bird Foundation (Gijón); ACADAR, Association of Mulleres with Disabilities of Galicia (A Coruña); Amama Sevilla, Association of Women with breast cancer; Amac-Gema, Association of Aragonese Women with genital and breast cancer (Zaragoza); Association of women in Ca L’Aurelia (Barcelona); and the Canarian Association of Breast and Gynecological Cancer (ACCM).

This year, the organization has created a new initiative to continue learning about solidarity and social projects and supporting their causes. Under the title of +SolidariAs, an NGO has been presented in each city through which the circuit has passed. The beneficiary NGOs have been CEAR (Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid), AKSHY, ADELPRISE, Bimenes Apoya, ECOS DO SUR, Fundación Ana Bella, Fundación Isabel Martín and the Spanish Association for Metastatic Breast Cancer.

In some cities, the organization of the Women’s Race has contacted Associations and Groups of women who have been given free registrations so that their users, many of them at risk of exclusion and without financial resources to participate in the event, may have been part of the ‘pink tide’ 2022.

Bib numbers have been donated to CEAR in Valencia, Gran Canaria, Madrid and Seville, with groups of more than 30 women who have actively participated. Also to the Ana Bella Foundation in Seville, the Isabel Martín Foundation in Zaragoza and the Special Olympics in Barcelona. In Barcelona, ​​100% solidarity bibs have also been sold to benefit Special Olympics. The organization has given away 52 numbers and a total of 1,040 euros have been raised for this action.

The #MásQueunaMuñeca collection is the social merchandising project of the Women’s Career Circuit together with Wanawake and Proyecto Esperanza. These dolls, on sale for 3.5 euros, are an opportunity to access the labor market for dozens of women survivors of trafficking for the purposes of sexual and labor exploitation and gender violence. This year 1,679 dolls have been sold, for a total of 5,876 euros, thanks to which the pre-employment workshop of Proyecto Esperanza and Wanawake can continue to function.

The Central Lechera Asturiana Women’s Race 2022 has the main sponsorship of Central Lechera Asturiana, Oysho and Banco Santander, the support of Michelin, TotalEnergies, Marlene, Zurich Seguros and Solán de Cabras, and the collaboration of all the municipalities where held all nine tests.