The BOE confirms that the CSD will have the last word in the return of the public to the stadiums

The Official State Gazette (BOE) certifies that the Higher Sports Council (CSD) will be in charge of deciding on the return of the public to the stadiums on the return of sports competitions, As the Minister of Health Salvador Illa advanced the day before after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

In other words, the CSD will be the competent body to apply the prevention and security measures in the resumption of the LaLiga and ACB competitions, including those related to capacity to avoid crowds.

This is established by Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent measures of prevention, containment and coordination to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers and published today to its entry into force.

Regarding facilities for sports activities and competitions, the text indicates that “the competent administrations must ensure compliance by the owners of the facilities where sports activities and competitions are carried out, for individual or collective practice, of the capacity, disinfection standards , prevention and conditioning that they establish “. “In any case, it must be ensured that the necessary measures are taken to guarantee a minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters, as well as due control to avoid crowds. When it is not possible to maintain this safety distance, the appropriate hygiene measures will be observed to prevent the risks of contagion, “he adds.

He also notes that “In the case of the Professional Football League and the ACB Basketball League, the competent administration for the application of the provisions of the previous section shall be the Higher Sports Council, after consulting the organizer of the competition, the Ministry of Health and the autonomous communities”. “The decisions adopted by said body will address as a priority the health circumstances as well as the need to protect both athletes and citizens attending sports activities and competitions,” he concludes.

BOE text. Article 15. Facilities for sports activities and competitions.

1. The competent administrations must ensure compliance by the owners of the facilities in which sports activities and competitions are carried out, for individual or collective practice, of the gauging, disinfection, prevention and conditioning regulations that they establish. In any case, it must be ensured that the necessary measures are taken to guarantee a minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters, as well as due control to avoid crowds. When it is not possible to maintain said safety distance, adequate hygiene measures will be observed to prevent the risks of contagion.

2. In the case of the Professional Soccer League and the ACB Basketball League, the competent administration for the application of the provisions of the previous section will be the Higher Sports Council, after consulting the organizer of the competition, the Ministry of Health and to the Autonomous Communities. The decisions adopted by said body will take priority care of health circumstances as well as the need to protect both athletes and citizens attending sports activities and competitions.