The Balearic Women’s Institute recognizes the ‘Football for Equality’ project

The Balearic Women’s Institute has delivered its awards to people, entities and actions that stand out for their work in favor of equality, in a ceremony held at the Teatro Principal de Inca and which has concluded with a symphonic concert by Marala.

The Minister of the Presidency, Civil Service and Equality, Mercedes Garrido, presented the awards accompanied by the director of the Balearic Women’s Institute, Maria Duran, the Minister of Social Affairs and Sports, Fina Santiago, the Minister of Finance and Foreign Relations, Rosario Sánchez, and the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

For Garrido, the recognized “are people and groups that through their work make us be at the forefront and serve as a mirror to achieve everything we still have to do.”

Specifically, the IBDona has recognized the work of the Asociación Kellys Unión Baleares, for its permanent fight for the labor rights of women, and specifically, of chambermaids, a feminized profession subject to job insecurity. “With the new tourism law we promote the incorporation of lift-up beds in the hotel establishments on our islands, thus avoiding certain pathologies, for which I want to thank you for defending the labor rights of women and for not letting up,” he called Garrido.

The demonias, cossieres and madones of the festival have also been recognized so that any type of discrimination against women in popular festivals ends. “Traditions, if they don’t evolve and don’t have half of the population, they won’t last”, defended the minister.

Great success of the Mallorcan dyad

Great success of the Mallorcan dyad


Finally, the Football for Equality project has also been awarded, to convey the values ​​of sport, equality and the fight against sexist violence to the youngest. “The best antidote against sexist violence is co-education, training in the values ​​of equality, diversity, respect and tolerance, and this is precisely the way of doing Football for Equality”, Garrido pointed out.

In addition, the Soller Town Hall has recognized Tatiana Ferrer on the occasion of her work to promote equality, since she is the current president of the Football for Equality association, an entity that conveys the values ​​of sport, equality and the fight against sexist violence to the youngest.

When the ordinary plenary session has ended and on the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Councilor for Equality, Mar Castaner, has delivered a silver pin and a bouquet of flowers to Tatiana Ferreira. After the public recognition, all the councilmen and councilors together with Ferreira have descended to the stairs of the City Hall and a feminist manifesto has been read.

Success of the 'Football for Equality' sessions

Success of the ‘Football for Equality’ sessions


Success of the ‘Football for Equality’ sessions

On the other hand, the Germans Escales Sports Center It was the scene of the first date of the celebration of the Day of the Balearic Islands organized by the Sports Association for Equality and its flagship program Soccer for Equality with the sponsorship of the Govern Balear and Consell de Mallorca and the collaboration of FFIB, IBDONA, AGROMART and the CF Bellver Palma and SCD Independiente Camp Redó clubs.

A morning that started with the talk “Creating Referents” – offered by the Football Federation of the Balearic Islands at the proposal of the Women’s Football Commission, given by the journalist Marta Sanpas together with the UD Collerense footballer Pili Espadas, the coach of the 3rd RFEF team of the Coll d’En Rabassa club Miguel Ángel Espadas and his son Lucas. A family of reference in the Balearic panorama, all three being part, at different stages, of the Balearic Soccer Team.

A talk that has been followed by various activities that were carried out such as the children’s workshops in which the boys and girls of the Association of Mali in Mallorca participated, the ACHINIB Association (Association of Chinese in the Balearic Islands), the team de Fútbol Femino de Son Roca and the Mayurca Volleyball Club. The day continued with a small contest given by the journalist Marta Sanpas with gifts courtesy of the Vicente del Bosque Academy and its coordinator Pau Albertí.

The objective of these activities has been to transmit equality, respect and tolerance between the smallest.

In addition, the boys and girls who participated in the activities have had the opportunity to train and enjoy the ball with a circuit in the field directed by the Balearic coaches Mario Cabanes and the soccer player Pili Espadas.

Next, the Balearic Under-12 Men’s and Women’s National Team were the protagonists of a mixed match to claim equal opportunities, break stereotypes and create benchmarks in Balearic grassroots football without any gender distinction, after the match , gave rise to the emotional delivery of medals in which the councilor of the Palma City Council, Daniel Olivera, participated, with the official anthem of the Balearic Islands, “La Balanguera”, in the background.

The day ended with the delivery of drawings made by the participants of the painting workshop on equality to the Minister of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Presidency, Civil Service and Equality, Mercedes Garrido, who also participated in the delivery of medals to the Friendly match between the CF Bellver Palma and SCD Independiente Camp Redó teams.

The morning of Sant Joan de Labritja woke up wrapped in the values ​​of Football for Equality.

Coordinated by player Sonia Pinto and Elisa Barceló, the successful day in Ibiza featured workshops by Mariela Drago, manager of the F7 Women’s League, a Peruvian organization that promotes women’s sports through the development of socio-sports activities and the promotion of female references.

The boys and girls participated in the event of several activities and workshops whose objective has been to transmit equality, respect and tolerance between the smallest.

The triangles of different ages were the high point for the smallest and largest who enjoyed exhibiting their soccer skills without distinction of gender.

The FFIB, through its representatives, Tolo Darder, Rafa Roldán and Vicente Bolfi, gave a message of Equality and encouraged girls and boys to be whatever they want to be.

From the Consellería de Eivissa, the Sant Joan de Labritja City Council and the Futsal Committee, they gave us their support and collaboration, distinguishing the participants with the Football for Equality medal.

The Councilor for Social Welfare Carolina Escandell, the Councilor for Sports Santiago Mari, the President of the Futsal Committee and member of the RFEF Futsal Committee, Maria José, were present at the award ceremony.

The collaboration of Clubs such as: Cosmitos de Formentera, which traveled with all its impressive quarry so that the day was more participatory, and UD Ibiza for its disposition and availability, were essential for the success of this day in Ibiza.

All these activities have been carried out thanks to the sponsorship of the CONSELL DE EIVISSA and GOVERN BALEAR, in addition to the collaboration of the CITY COUNCIL OF SANT JOAN DE LABRITJA, which has provided its facilities and the FFIB futsal commission. Other collaborating companies are: AGROMART, and COSMACAR IBIZA & FORMENTERA.

Since 2017, the Sport for Equality Association has been carrying out various activities to give visibility and raise awareness of the importance of the values ​​of equality, diversity and social inclusion.

To date, the Sport for Equality Association and its flagship Soccer for Equality program have benefited girls, boys, adolescents, men and women at the national and international levels. To do this, its main objective is to transform communities into more equitable and inclusive spaces, using sport as an instrument that allows the development of values ​​such as: effort, commitment, solidarity, respect, camaraderie and tolerance. .