The Andalucía Costa del Sol Open in Spain closes the season with the best


The Andalucía Costa del Sol Open in Spain puts at stake from this Thursday until Sunday the last prize of the season in the Ladies European Tour, double because it will also decide the Order of Merit of the European Tour among the best on the continent.

The Real Club de Golf Las Brisas de Marbella (Málaga) is the setting where the season ends and where the winner of the Race to Costa del Sol will leave for the fourth consecutive edition in this tournament, a ranking that last year went to the Swedish Linn Grant while the victory on Sunday went to his compatriot Caroline Hedwall.

Half a dozen players have a chance to win that final prize of the best player of the course. The Thai Trichat Cheenglab, with a second place achieved in the Mallorca Ladies Open last week, is the new number one in the Race, overtaking the French Céline Boutier in the classification.

Along with these two golfers, the Indian Diksha Dagar, the Swedish Johanna Gustavsson, the German Alexandra Fosterling, recent winner in Golf Son Muntaner, and the Málaga-born Ana Peláez also have mathematical possibilities of winning the Race to Costa del Sol.

Without that pressure, the Navarrese Carlota Ciganda also enters the pools to win in Las Brisas, winner in 2021 and very motivated after her exceptional Solheim Cup; the South African Lee-Anne Pace, winner in the 201 edition; the Belgian Manon de Roey; the two-time champions, Azahara Muñoz from Malaga and Anne Van Dam from the Netherlands; and also the defending champion Hedwall.

Another award that will be up for grabs on the Malaga golf course will be the ‘rookie of the year’, which distinguishes the best debutant golfer of the season on the Ladies European Tour, and whose classification is also led by the Thai Trichat Cheenglab, ahead of the German Alexandra Försterling and the Swedish Sara Kjellker.