The alleged assault of Laporta’s son on his girlfriend between threats and government escorts: the details of the police report

John Laporta did not have a good Sunday. Added to Barça’s defeat at the Santiago Bernabéu (3-1), was the arrest of one of his sons, Joan Laporta i Echevarria, accused of alleged ill-treatment of his girlfriend. New details of what happened and the woman’s statement to the authorities have come to light.

read also: They arrest one of Joan Laporta’s sons for “mistreating” his girlfriend in a restaurant

As already announced, the alleged attack occurred in a hamburger restaurant located on Calle Miguel Ángel number 16 in Madrid shortly before the game, which was played at four in the afternoon. According to The confidentialthe manager of the establishment called 091 to report the behavior of Laporta’s son, 24, with his young companion, of the same age.

The worker made the call after several agents, dressed in civilian clothes, put her on notice and intervened on the scene. In reality, it was the escorts of the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, who were inside the premises and witnessed what was happening on the terrace between the two young people.

According to the police report consulted by the same media, the detainee threatened the girl by putting his hand near her face, yelled at her, told her to shut up and shook her with a chair. According to witnesses, the events occurred since both arrived at the premises. The woman, who cried during the alleged attack and responds to the initials of MSB, later declared that the son of the Blaugrana president behaved in this way when he consumed alcohol.

The young woman underwent a medical examination after the arrest of her boyfriend. She was transferred by the authorities to the offices of the Family and Women’s Care Unit (UFAM) of the Madrid Police Headquarters, where she declared the facts. Laporta’s son, late in the afternoon, went to court after being arrested.