The Alba’s illegal wells “were built at night so they couldn’t be seen,” says a former worker

We discovered on October 25 that Eugenia Martínez de Irujo had been summoned by the judge as accused of a crime against the environment. At first, they tried to downplay the matter. The daughter of the Duchess of Alba was quick to comment that she has nothing to do with it, arguing that the presidency of the family company that she holds falls to her on a rotating basis, but we wonder if during these years, in which water was allegedly extracted from some wells, illegal, she received the money obtained as a partner.

The battle for Narcís Rebollo’s wife is now being played out on two fronts: in the face of Justice and the open process and also within the Alba family, confronted and on a war footing, blaming each other for what happened. Cayetano Martínez de Irujo’s relationship with his brothers, once again, has become complicated.

In fact, it has been published that Eugenia will testify against her own brother for the construction of illegal wells, which, logically, contributes to the distancing (which was already evident). Cayetano’s brothers accuse him of her poor business management but the Duke of Arjona defends himself and exposes her own arguments. “Let them show their faces. Now what happens with the wells?” said her boyfriend. Barbara Mirjan.

Meanwhile, the siege is tightening against the owners of the large estate in question and a witness expresses himself this way when talking about what happened: “The illegal wells were built at night so that they could not be seen.” Days ago we advanced in Informalia that the well scandal facing the Albas began with an “arbitrary” and “unfair” dismissal.

Cayetano’s position points to his brother Alfonso, his nephew Luis, current manager of the agricultural business that is in question with the justice system and who, according to the sources consulted, could end up with a large fine that could reach 4 million euros, without prejudice to other criminal sanctions. Let us remember that after the complaints and the civil guard and the property did not allow them entry. Now the wells have been sealed and legal experts consulted by this portal agree that it is most likely that at the very least there will be a strong sanction.

Let us remember that in the life of the Duchess of Alba, Since his death will be 9 years on November 20, Cayetano was in charge of managing most of the aristocratic family’s agricultural businesses. Genoveva Casanova’s ex affirms that during the time he was in charge of the management, he launched the procedures to legalize possible irregularities.

A worker dismissed at the origin of the complaint

The scandal of the illegal wells found on the Alba family’s farm called Aljóbar, in the Sevillian town of Aznalcázar, will also mean a media ordeal for the owners, especially for the most media-savvy ones. Eugenia Martínez de Irujo tried to settle the unpleasant matter with the statement a few days ago, in which she assured that the property in which she was presented as the owner and responsible for the illegal water extractions, is not hers, but belongs to a company in which the Presidency is rotating and from time to time it falls to her, however, she is not involved in the management of those lands. But this explanation does not exonerate her in principle from her responsibilities since, probably, she collected her share of benefits allegedly obtained by prohibited methods, in addition to harming the environment.

The real reasons that led to the complaint also have to do with revenge or spite towards the owners. Before pointing out Cayetano, part of the Alba family blamed the origin of the complaint on Luis Martinez of Irujo and Hohenlohe, son of Alfonso Martínez de Irujo (above), Duke of Hijar, second of Cayetana’s offspring and truly responsible for the management of the estate in question.

35 years at the service of the Alba

Luis Martínez de Irujo fired the manager who had been in charge of the lands for 35 years. He did it, as this digital has been able to gather, “in an arbitrary and even unfair way,” according to family sources. This worker, after having lost his job without solid cause, considers, always according to the same sources, that the owners for whom he worked for three and a half decades, acted with “arrogance.” They tell us that he was the instigator of the complaint, with the consequences that now affect the rest of the family. Cayetano, Eugenia and Fernando are simple minority shareholders of Aljóbar, without any connection with the management, but their name may continue to appear in the judicial summary, and everything indicates that they are not at all comfortable when they are accused of their nephew’s clumsiness. Luis Martínez de Irujo y Hohenlohe has been married for seven years to Adriana Marín Huarte, great-niece of Felipe Huarte, a Navarrese businessman kidnapped by ETA on January 16, 1973.