The Telecinco audience debacle does not seem to hit the ground. This Monday, the main Mediaset chain did not exceed 4% in prime time with the collapse of the series Better dayscon Blanca Portillo y Martha Hazasvery badly programmed against the intractable Grand Prize of Ramon Garcia in La 1 (20.6%) or Siblingswhich resists against the contest with a good 13.3%.
But the Telecinco disaster is especially unusual because its offer in the main time slot of the day also leaves the channel below Cuatro, which beats its sister with the triple premiere episode of 9-1-1, which marks an average of 5%. LaSexta also scores better data with Old Boy, with 5.5%. The effect on the daily average is devastating: Telecinco remains more than five points below Antena 3, while La 1, in second position, is 3.6 points ahead of the main Berlusconi network in Spain, and only 1.4. points from laSexta, which is already on its heels.
The effects of this ineffective content management are already reflected in the accounts of the listed company. Mediaset ties in ‘League of benefits’ against Atresmedia, which diversifies revenue and makes profitable its leadership in audience.
Paul Vasily emulated Jose Mourinho: The showiness of the game did not matter if the three points were obtained. With this golden rule, Mediaset España presented benefits of around 3,000 million euros during the 23 years in which the Italian boss piloted the controls that squeezed ‘big brothers’ and broken toys from Save me. That results strategy, however, began to blow up last year. In 2022 Telecinco plummeted neither more nor less than 2.6 points to a 12.3% share, which was insufficient to win the year.
full of failures
Vasile considered lessening the burden of Save me on the grill, but his substitute Alessandro Salem decided to eliminate it without having a plan b of certain guarantees. The new CEO, moreover, is suffering a ‘summer horribilis’.
The reason? The full of failures of Telecinco: revenge is mine, This is life, The last night, life without filters, I slip, go vacation, There you!, Better days o Treachery. This indentation explains that the string suffered its worst july in 33 years by sinking to a 9.3% share, which has meant a year-on-year drop of almost 4 points.
the first month without Save me It has been dramatic since the white turn is not being effective. Added to this debacle is concern about the company’s numbers, since revenues have fallen by 4.3% during the first half of the year. In contrast, Atresmedia raised them to 2.8%.
The publisher of Antena 3 and La Sexta has been able to translate its group leadership into an audience and is also getting it right by diversifying income with the sale of products to third parties, the radio division, Atresplayer (which has more than half a million customers) or startups who are pampered with exchange of commercial space for shares.
Mediaset practically matches the operating result against its main adversary: it falls almost 15% to 81.7 million while Atresmedia rises to 80.1.

Good feelings at Atresmedia
Atresmedia forecasts that the advertising market “will experience growth in line with economic growth or even somewhat higher to also gradually approach pre-pandemic levels.”
“We anticipate that the radio and digital markets will end the year above the evolution of the total market, as has been seen in this first semester. For its part, the television advertising market, although below the levels of the total market, will foreseeably show an improvement trend in the second semester”, they add.
Atresmedia says that “within the scope of our financial position, we continue to consider reasonable an estimate of net financial debt at the end of the 2023 financial year below 50 million, assuming the payment of the complementary dividend corresponding to the distribution of the results of the 2022 financial year already made and the foreseeable payment of an interim dividend in charge of the current year”.
ARE you in sight?
A former director of Mediaset Spain, Baldomero Toscano, He has already issued a warning for the crisis suffered by the company: “It’s not that I’m happy, but the truth is that it ‘slips’ me. I don’t see any talent or way to reconquer the leadership it had for years. They eat it with their bread. It’s going to be hard for them to amend so much mistake. Maybe it’s a strategy to enter into losses and justify in ERE. I leave it there”.
At the company they deny imminent layoffs while praying to VIP Big Brother y TardeAR, which are the two keys to Telecinco during the last four-month period of the year. Both projects will be key to not being too far from the 178 million euros of profit that the company obtained in 2022.
Business future of MFE España
Salem explained in The country that the new MFE “is a conglomerate of large European producers and distributors. We join forces to compete in a more balanced way with the American giants. It is a holding company, the company that will represent us on the Stock Market as the only one listed. Mediaset Italia and Mediaset España continue to have exactly the same autonomy. No more, no less.”
The idea of Pier Silvio Berlusconipointed out Vasile’s replacement, “is to create a large conglomerate and there Spain has a central role for two reasons: it is a profitable company and it has an expanding market in Latin America and among Spanish-speaking audiences in the US.”
Before that, Mediaset España must try to address the situation of Telecinco and Cuatro, which are not going through their best moments and have significant holes in their grid compared to the stability of Antena 3 and La Sexta and the successes of La 1, such as the Grand Prize.