The judge who is examining the case against the Al Thani family has once again issued an order against the interests of the sheikh and his children and the umpteenth resource has fallen. On this occasion, the court's order is in relation to the appeal for reform filed by the defense of the Al Thani against the resolution appointing José María Muñoz judicial administrator of the companies NAS Spain 2000 SL and Nasir bin Abdullah and Sons SL. NAS Spain 2000 is the company that owns 96.89% of Malaga's shares, which are distributed between the Sheikh (51% of this shareholding package) and the BlueBay hotel company (49%).
In the car, Judge Ruiz González assures that the relationship between these companies and Málaga Club de Fútbol “is clear and manifest to the point that all companies are governed at some point (while they are active) by those who their previous representatives and workers call verbatim in a judicial declaration 'the property' (this has also been shown in the documentation provided by the judicial administrator with after the issuance of the order dated November 16). It is therefore striking that the defendant argues a possible abuse of power on the part of the judicial administrator, claiming that this appointment leads to a conflict of interest, since he acts as sole administrator and sole partner, but to this we would have to ask: Is it not possible that the defendants themselves were the ones who acted in this way in the legal process for years, protected by the structure of legal entities that they created for the purpose of obtaining that control? Wasn't there then a conflict of interest that prevented the previous administrators from performing their duties with loyalty? The questions to be posed behind the appellant's argument could be endless. The truth is that it is proposed by the defendant that it be named for the two new managed companies (by the way, something that continues to attract the attention of the undersigned is that in their writing the defendants speak on behalf of and defending the interests of the entity Nassir Bin Abdullah & Sons, SL, who was said not to be able to represent in the act of appearance) two people other than the current administrator ”.
The appeal filed by the Al Thani family's lawyers also included a reduction in the receivers' fees (252,000 euros), “Very high” in the opinion of the lawyers. “This administration is not being exercised exclusively by Mr. Muñoz, who is the head of said position, but is being assisted by a whole team of professionals who are part of his multidisciplinary team,” the judge agrees. considers the position of the Al Thani “an obvious incongruity if we take into account what the four members of the senior management team charged of the SAD (the defendants) for the simple fact of being members of said board of directors ”. The magistrate, therefore, has finished dismissing “in its entirety” the appeal of the Sheikh's defense.