Terelu Campos reveals his meeting with Luis Rubiales and compares him to Florentino Pérez: “I always saw his haughty attitude”

The kiss without consent Luis Rubiales a Jenni Beautiful continues to hog the spotlight. Eleven days have already passed since the victory of the Spanish National Team in the women’s World Cup final was overshadowed by the inappropriate kiss of the suspended president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation. Now that the news is also emerging in the international press, the celebrities of our country continue to raise their voices and express their position. Terelu Campos talk to the magazine Lectures about Luis Rubiales and tells how his meeting with the manager went.

Although there are still those who do not see the seriousness of this controversial gesture, the daughter of Maria Teresa Campos row in favor of Jenni Hermoso. “Frankly, I am deeply sorry for the tarnished victory of the Spanish Women’s Soccer Team. That the effort of 23 players selected to represent our country, to become champions, has been diluted by the unacceptable behavior of Luis Rubiales, president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, makes me sad”, says the former collaborator of Telecinco.

Likewise, Terelu ruled that Rubiales’ attitude on August 20 was not the result of chance. “This is not a matter of misunderstood feminism. The one who seems to have never understood things is this man. I think I met him once. Someone wanted to introduce him to me and I simply greeted him. I always saw his haughty attitude above the good and evil, to put it in a fine way, because I would use another word”, reveals without half measures to Lectures the one who was a presenter of Save me.

In the same way, the eldest of the Campos sisters considers that, in all these years, Rubiales has also carried out good practice as president. However, she does not forget what happened and believes that no administration overshadows his behavior. “Far from repenting, Rubiales dared to call the people who had censored him imbeciles and stupid,” she says.

“A president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation cannot be in a box at a stadium in another country representing us together with Queen Letizia and Infanta Sofía and touch their balls. As much as they want to disguise it as a gesture of complicity with the coach, the gesture is out of place. I would never have imagined seeing Florentino Perez, president of Real Madrid, doing something similar when his team has won so many titles. Can you imagine a gesture like that from any president of a Spanish football club?”, he concluded.
