Terelu and Carmen Borrego empty María Teresa Campos’ house at full speed: the belongings and their destiny

The presenter and her sister have taken another step in the grieving process they are going through after the death of their mother, on September 5. This Monday, a moving company showed up at the house where Maria Teresa Campos He lived his last years to remove all his belongings under the watchful eye of Carmen Borrego.

They don’t have much time. And the mythical communicator lived on rent, so if they don’t empty the house before next November 1, Terelu and Carmen They would have to pay a new monthly payment, 2,500 euros. Aside from practical issues, the sisters have stated that returning to their mother’s house has been “very sad and painful”, so they want to finish this last procedure as soon as possible. “The first day you enter is very hard because you don’t dare to enter. But then it gave me peace to be there with her things, with her smell… We have the things that my mother loved the most. Having certain things from me mother in our homes makes her a little closer to us, although unfortunately she is so far away,” Carmen said a few days ago.

Precisely she has been in charge of directing the moving employees this Monday, who have collected from the house and put into the truck boxes of clothes that read “Mom’s swimsuits” or furniture “for Malaga”, as as he assures Week. Some of these boxes have been deposited in the house of his grandson, José María Almoguera. For her part, Alejandra Rubio already announced that she only wanted two souvenirs from her grandmother: a vintage checked suit and some books.

Carmen and Terelu already announced that they had the truly important objects and the rest would go to an auction house: “We have our houses set up and it is absurd to keep it.” At the moment it is not known what these objects are or when they will go on the market.