Isabel Pantoja announces a new concert date in the middle of the media cyclone: ​​she breaks up with her children and stands up to the Treasury

The tonadillera has been making headlines for weeks, and not exactly for good reasons. First, his problems with the Treasury, on the verge of withholding his income due to the debts that persist. And second, due to his absence at the wedding of his daughter, Isa Pi, with Asraf Beno, which represents a definitive break in their relationship. Isabel Pantoja He is not going through a good time and to overcome it he takes refuge in his work. For this reason, as of today, not only is his mini-tour of Spain still going on (it was rumored that it could be cancelled) but he has announced a new date: April 30 in Tenerife.

This tour, on the occasion of her 50th anniversary in the world of music, will also take her to Bilbao, Barcelona and Madrid. Last September she performed in Gran Canaria, with her niece Anabel backstage, and also in Seville, where ticket sales did not reach the numbers of yesteryear.

Isabel’s return to the stage will not give her back her children (she broke off her relationship with Kiko Rivera when he, convalescing from a heart attack, kicked her out of the hospital) but it could free her from her other big problem: the Treasury. As we anticipated, the tonadillera maintains a debt with the Tax Agency that exceeds half a million euros and its income is going to be confiscated, so from now on it will only charge 20% of what was agreed upon per concert (as minimum salary interprofessional as established by law), the rest will be retained by the Treasury.

This Monday, in addition, it was also learned that the singer has changed her will. It was before her trip to the United States, last Christmas, and in it she reduced her children’s inheritance to the minimum (the legitimate one) and the rest of it was intended for her grandchildren. Furthermore, she expresses her desire to be cremated in the strictest privacy and to be fired without a funeral or tributes.